이십 이 : the queen's entrance

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i give myself very good advice,but I very seldom follow it

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i give myself very good advice,
but I very seldom follow it

. . .

"Dam.n it, Yugyeom!" Yoongi bit the inside of his cheeks and shoved his hands inside the pockets of his jacket. "You're good," he continued.

The chief deputy shrugged his shoulders a bit and his expression changed from a jolly doll back to serious mode. "Hoseok..." He slightly pressed the butt of his pen under his jaw. "How is he?"

Yoongi rolled back his eyes. He let out a quick sigh before resuming the conversation, "A little out of his mind. He's been acting crazy lately, sometimes he'd face the wall, and talk to it as if he was talking to a person." His lips formed straight of his face, he was also wondering what's been happening to the younger. Though he'd often refuse this assumption, he had a hunch he was talking to Jin.

"What do you mean? He's talking to a ghost? On the wall? You think it's Jin??"

"You ask a lot of irrelevant questions, deputy."

"Just wondering...what if he's tweedledee?" He reached for his notebook from the desk and opened it on the page where the chart was written.

"Tweedledee? Isn't that one the weird twin of tweedledum?"

"They're both weird, excuse you—"

"I enjoy how casual it is for you to make such references, are you turning mad as well?"

Yugyeom kept his mouth shut as he gave the character a thought. Tweedledee, he wrote under Hoseok's name.

"How could you confirm that, anyway?" Yoongi curiously asked.

"He has shared psychotic disorder, you see?" He rotated the notebook to face the lad standing opposite him.

Suga read the notes with great effort, mentally taking a record of all the details. He scoffed when he saw nothing underneath his name.

"You can't have Tweedledee without Tweedledum," he stated soon before unzipping his bag and scanning its inside to look for the lollipop he bought roughly two weeks ago.

While he tugged the sphere-like tip of the candy between his lips, the chief deputy can't help but stress over the board.

He caught Namjoon's photo on the corner of his eye, then lightly slapped his forehead in disappointment.

"I almost forgot about you..." He cleared his throat, wishing that he'll get it right, "March Hare."

"Impressive!" Yoongi cheered from the back.

Yugyeom turned around, only to see his hands lifted on air with a gummy smile on his face. "I didn't know I'll get that right, he's friends with the Hatter and Alice."

"Yes, but don't trust him." Yoongi pointed the lollipop at him like a three-year old kid. "He's insaaaaane," he hissed.

"I don't trust any of you," Yugyeom replied in a cynical pitch.

"Are you ready to hear the rest of the story?"

. . .
[Three months ago]

Two hours have already passed and there was still no news from the doctor. Namjoon was crouching near the door, while Jimin was taking a nap on the bench. His head was resting on Jungkook's lap, who's playing with a stress ball on his hand.

Hoseok silently slept on the bench, arms folded on his chest, legs were separated apart. His head casually bobbed up and down as he struggled to keep its balance. Yoongi had his earphones plugged in his ears while he listened to a G-Dragon song. His eyes were shut closed, his hood perfectly covered his face.

"Why is everyone here?" a grumpy Taehyung voiced his rant out, causing Jungkook to turn his way.

"Taehyung-ssi, why did you arrive just now? I've been texting y—" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung lifted his wrist to check the time and, "Aren't we supposed to watch a movie? We're already late!"

"But Jin hyung is still inside, I can't just leave..."

"Are you choosing him over me?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and glared at the maknae.

"That's not wha—"

"Stop! Don't even try to speak another word! You know what? I thought you were my friend, but you'd still choose that insane psycho over me." He scanned his pockets for the movie tickets he bought and threw it on the ground.

"Da.mn it! Why are you so noisy?!!" Hoseok grunted while he rubbed his eyes.

"Stay out of this, hyung," Taehyung spat.

"How about you stay out of my ear? Can't you see we're all trying to take some rest?!"

"I don't get why you all waste your time waiting for him to come out of the door alive—"

He instantly paused when his lips met Namjoon's fist. The elder kicked him a number of times while he cursed over his weak state. Tae wiped the blood coming out of his nose, Joon may have hit his nose bridge.

"Don't you fu.cking show your face to me again!" Namjoon panted whilst Jimin held his arms on his back, restraining him from charging on Tae again.

"Too concerned for your boyfriend?" he mocked.

Before the brawl gets worse, the surgeon came out of the room. "Excuse me? Do you all happen to be his friends?" And everyone raised their hands, including the man with a bleeding nose on the floor.

. . .

"And that's where the story ends..." Yoongi stood from his chair and tapped the table twice, shaking the deputy back to his senses.

"I don't get your story. You busted Jin's head open and you all waited for him after the operation. Then, what?"

Yoongi chuckled at him. Oh, he had no idea what that all was for.

"You should know who the killers are by now. Hmm, are you going to finish this?" referring to the mug filled with coffee halfway. Yugyeom shook his head no.

"Any questions aside from 'I don't understand your story'? Because I've already told you the past, you have to figure it all out by yourself now," Yoongi asked after taking all the caffeinated drink in his mouth, down to his stomach.

"Maybe it was just me thinking that this is a little weird but..." He folded his lips inside and looked away. "Why is Jin always asking the members to have tea? I mean I get it, he's a schizo, he's imagining things...but why tea? Why does he always re-enact the mad tea party?"

"Because it's always tea time."

PT. 1 : MAD HATTER/btsWhere stories live. Discover now