chapter 5

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Sydney's P.O.V.

As Matt and I were walking outside the hotel, he lead me over to a long walkway that was lined with trees that had lights wrapped around them. It looked absolutely breath taking!

"So tell me a little about yourself Sydney!" Matt says as we walk in the middle of the glowing trees.

" Well..........I'm 17, a junior in high school, I play softball, and I love food!" I say wondering why he would want to know about me because I am honestly one of the most boringest people you will ever meet.

"Looks like we have a few things in common! I am also 17 and I LOVE food too! Oh and I also play football, but I can't play anymore because Magcon takes up all my time now."

"That sounds fun, but look at the bright least you don't have to go to school!?" I say trying to cheer him up.

" I know this may sound weird, but I miss going to school. I miss hanging out with all my friends. Don't get me wrong I love being apart of the Magcon family............but sometimes I miss being a normal teenager." He says looking down at the ground.

" I see what your saying, but trust me........your not missing out on anything. You should be excited that these things are happening to you because these are once in a lifetime opportunities. I know that sometimes you miss being able to go to dinner without getting mobbed, but this is the life you chose and your going to end up doing great things Matt!" I say in a soft but encouraging voice, not sure how he will react?

He stops walking and just stares at me in thought. As I'm about to ask him if he's okay, he takes me by surprise and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you so much for that! Sometimes I just need to be reminded of those things." he says as he lets me go and continues walking.

" So how long have you been playing softball?" he asks

"About 13 years!" I chuckle

"ZAAYYYUUMM! Your a true baller!" he yells causing me to burst out in laughter!

" You have a beautiful laugh." I hear him say which causes me to stop laughing. I've always been selfconciouse about my laugh.

" Oh no I don't!" I chuckle while I lightly push his shoulder.

"Well I think you do! So where do you live?" he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Taylor, Bri, and I all live in vacaville." I say knowing that he will have no idea where that is!

"Vacaville? Where's that?" he asks confused

"It's about 45 minutes away from Sacramento in California." I mentally laugh, knowing that I was right!

" Wow! And you came all the way to San Diego just to see us!?" he says looking shocked.

" Duh! It was the closest one to us so we had to come!" I say sassyily.

"Wow our fans are really dedicated aren't they!? I really do appreciate you coming all the way out here!" he says with a huge grin! " I am so lucky!!" he says swinging his hands through the air.

"Wanna know why!?" he says excitedly!

"Why?" I say playing along

"Well for starters, I am apart of an awesome family with AMAZING fans!And to top it all off, I get to hang out with the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on!" he says starring deeply into my eyes making me blush.

" You think I'm beautiful?" I stare at him in shock!

"Absolutely!" he says as he grabs my hand and continues walking towards a bench.

He may think I'm beautiful now, but if he sees my scars..........he would never talk to me again!

" So what are you and your friends going to do after our show tomorrow?"

"We're probably gonna drive back home because we have school next week." I sigh as I see him frown. As we sit down on the bench, I start to realize that tomorrow may be the last day I will ever see Matt again.

"I wish you guys could stay on tour with us!" he sighs

"Me too." I say kicking a rock from underneath my feet, I'm trying not to cry.

" HEY! I have an idea!!" he says as he jumps up! "Barts giving us a vacation in 2 weeks, and maybe some of the boys and I could come visit you guys in vacaville!!??" he says with hope in his eyes.

"That would be amazing! But are you sure that's what you wanna do for your vacation?" I say questioningly

" If it means I get to see you again then yes!" he chuckles while his cheeks blush.

"Okay! I'll talk to my parents and see if you guys can stay at my house so you don't have to stay in a hotel. I have a few extra rooms so it should be fine!" I say hoping I didn't sound like too much of a weirdo!?

" That would be awesome! It gets kinda tireing always having to stay in hotels!" he whines.

" Great! I can't wait!" I say standing up and heading back to the hotel.

"It's a date then!" he says standing up and following behind me, making my heart flutter!


Hey guys! sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I started school again so I've been super busy! This chapter is pretty short and boring! sorry if you don't like it but I was having a little bit of writers block. It will get better I promise! LOVE YOU GUYS! Oh and I know Matt's not 17 yet but he is in this book so don't send me hate! lol

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