chapter 7

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Sydney's P.O.V.

"AHHHHH" I scream as I feel a strong pair of arms pick me up and throw me over their shoulder. I can tell who it is by his body shape and that adorable high pitched laugh.

"Matt put me down!" I laugh as he's walking towards the pool with me still over his shoulder. Before I have a chance to say anything else, he throws me in and jumps in right after!

"Your gonna get it Matt!" I say as I swim over to him, pushing his head under water. When he comes back up he goes back under water and motions for me to get on his shoulders. I do as instructed and climb on his shoulders. He's so tall that when he stands up all the way I feel like I'm gonna fall .

"Who wants to play chicken!!??" Matt yells

Bri climbs on Nash's shoulders and they are going to verse Matt and I. Taylor climbs on Cameron's shoulders and they are going against Taylor C. and Cassie.

"On your mark......get set......GO!!" I yell and we all start trying to push each other off. Bri may be skinny but she's a lot stronger than she looks! Bri and I go at it for awhile while Nash and Matt are cheering us on. Bri ends up falling first and I fall right after. As I come back up, I swim over to the shallower end so I can touch the bottom. Matt follows me and puts his arm around my waist as we watch everyone play the game colors.

" So what do you wanna do tonight?" I ask him

"Well the guys and I have never been here, sooooooo let's have you guys pick!" he smiling, his hand still on my waist.

"Well we could go downtown and do something, or if you want we could have a minny bonfire and just hang out?" I say hoping he would go for the second option cuz I really don't feel like going out tonight.

" Lets just stay home and hang out." he says and I smile at his choice

" I agree!" My back is now pressed against the side of the pool and Matt is standing inches from me. As he's about to lean in for a kiss, Cameron splashes both of us.

"You'll regret that Cameron!" Matt says playfully and he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before splashing Cameron back.

"I'm hungry! Who wants to go inside and eat?" Bri says and all of us quickly get out of the pool and dry off. As we all pile inside, I head over to the fridge and pull out some salsa and guacamole. Bri grabs a bag of chips and we all start to snack on whatever we can find.

it's already 5:30, I didn't even realize that we were swimming for that long! I find some burger patties in the freezer and some buns in the fridge.

"Do you guys wanna have burgers for dinner?" I ask and they all say yes

"I can grill them if you want?" Nash says and I let him cuz I have no idea how to grill anything. I show Nash where the grill Is.

" Oh I know how to work this! I have the same one at home!" Nash says excitedly. WOW! I never thought I would have something that one of the Magcon boys have!! As Nash grills the burgers, us girls go upstairs to change into some comfortable clothes. Bri's staying in my room with me and Taylor and Cassie are sharing one of the many guest rooms. I put some black Nike shorts on and a crop top that says crazy mofos on it! Bri puts on a similar outfit. As we walk back downstairs, all the boys are still in their swim trunks.......and they all look insanely hot!! They're all hanging out on the deck. Taylor suggests that we put some music on, so I turn on pandora on my flat screen and I change it to the Justin bieber station!(; The first song that comes on is roller coaster. I turn the surround sound on and turn the volume all the way up so we can hear it outside.

"ROLLER COASTER.........ROLLER COASTEEERR!" the boys scream causing us girls to die of laughter! As we all sing terribly to Justin bieber, we eat our burgers and just hang out for awhile.

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