chapter 13

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Sydney's P.O.V.

I was sitting on Cameron's bed and I tried to clean up my face before Matt came in. I don't know why but I can't help but feel like he's going to get mad at me for not telling him this information. I honestly didn't think that his brother would be this big of a deal but I knew I couldn't ask Matt about Dylan because I knew he didn't like to talk about him.

"What's going on?" Matt says walking over to me. I failed at cleaning up my tears because Matt whipped a few away before he turned to Cameron.

"Cameron what's going on!" Matt says a little harsher than before. Cameron was standing next to the window and I could tell that he wasn't sure how to tell Matt what was going on by the way his eyebrows were furrowed.

"'s Dylan" Cameron sighs

"What about Dylan?" he says through clenched teeth, looking from Cameron to me.  I'm starting to get nervous because of how Matt's taking this. I glance at Cameron and he nods his head, signaling me to tell Matt what I told him.

"The day that I got off of the phone with you when I was at the grocery store....I ran into Jacob..actually he followed me there. And he had a bunch of tattoos and piercings and he was completely different! He told me that you and the other guys aren't as innocent as I think you are? And he said that when I saw you, I had to tell you to get your brother and his gang under control or people are going to start getting hurt!? Matt what's going on? I'm so confused!" I explain and I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I let out a big sigh. I was nervous to look at Matt so I kept my eyes focused on the ground.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Matt yells and it makes me jump. "HE PROMISED THAT HE WOULD LEAVE US OUT OF IT! THEY ALL PROMISED!" Matt yelled again now looking at Cameron. I've never seen him mad before and it's scaring me.

"Matt calm down!! Everything's gonna be fine. I'll call Cole and try and get some answers. But for right now, you need to explain to Sydney what's going on." Cameron says trying to calm Matt down.

"NO! Absolutely not! There is no way in hell that she's getting involved in this!!! You know how dangerous they are and I'm not putting Sydney in the middle of that!" Matt says angrily. I have no idea what to say so I just stay quiet on Cameron's bed.

"Matt I don't want her to get involved in it either, for fucks sake I don't want any of the girls to get involved! But Jacob was stalking her, which means that whoever he's working for, already has plans to involve us in this bullshit! So if you want to protect Sydney, then I suggest you start by telling her everything so she can protect herself incase something does happen and your not around!" Cameron says angrily.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Matt yells and storms out of Cameron's room, slamming the door. Seeing Matt like this makes me so upset. I don't know what to do!

"Just give him a minute to process everything. He'll come around." Cameron sighs and picks up his phone.

"You can stay In here if you want. I'm gonna go outside and call Cole." he says walking out of the room. I want to go comfort Matt but my body is frozen. I'm trying to process the little information that I do know but it's all so confusing! What's all this talk about a gang? And Matt never told me that Cameron has and older brother! I only knew that Nash has an older brother. But none of them ever talk about their older brothers. Why is that!?

My mind is wandering with a thousand questions and I didn't even notice myself get up and start walking down the stairs. I don't see Nash and Bri anywhere so I'm assuming they went to get dinner. I walk past the kitchen to Matt's room. The doors closed and I'm debating on whether I should knock or just leave him alone. I decide to knock but there's no answer. I knock again, still no response. I press my ear against the door wondering if he's even in there, and that's when I heard faint sniffles. Is he crying!? Without waiting any longer I open the door and see him laying face down on his bed.

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