chapter 3

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Sydney's P.O.V.

It's been an hour since the show started and the boys just got done doing the lip gloss dance! I can hardly breath because I was laughing so hard!!

"WHO'S READY TO GO BUCKWILD!!!??" Mahogany yells to the crowd as Taylor and all the boys come running out. It's just Taylor singing tonight but it was still amazing!!!!!

"We gonna party BUCKWILD...." the whole crowd is singing/screaming. I am having so much fun! I don't know what I would have done if we didn't get tickets!? After the song is over Shawn comes out on stage and Bri, Taylor, and I instantly start crying because Shawn's voice is literally the best thing I have ever heard!

"Say something I'm giving up on you..." I sing but I'm crying so bad that I sound like a dying walrus. As the song ends Shawn tells us that that's all for today but the crowd begs him to sing one more song. He says okay and when he asks Cameron to come on stage the entire crowd goes insane because we all know what song he's gonna sing.

"Cameron my boyfriend!" the whole crowd is singing so loud that we can't even hear Shawn anymore, so Shawn stops singing and let's us sing the rest for him! it was amazing!!

"Alright everyone, we are going to do our meet and greets now so whoever has V.I.P. line up to the left and everyone who has general admission, we love you and hopefully we will see you all again tomorrow!" Nash says into the microphone. Before Nash turns to put the microphone down I see him look at Bri and smile!

"BRI DID YOU JUST SEE NASH SMILE AT YOU!!??" Taylor and I scream

"YAAASSSS! HOLY SHIT" she screams but quickly recollects herself.

"Yes I saw it but I'm trying not to freak out to much in front of him because he doesn't like it when fans can't act normal around him'" she says with a smile but I can tell she's trying so hard not to freak out and scream!

" Yeah I guess but I have no idea how I'm supposed to stay calm when I meet Matt!?" I laugh

"I think he likes you!?" Taylor says excitedly

" Ppphhttt, come on guys don't be delusional! Thank God I wore a long sleeve shirt because the last thing I want to happen is Matt seeing my scars!" I say in a low whisper hoping that my friends wouldn't hear me, but they did......

"Sydney Michele White! Matt will love you no matter what! You are the strongest girl I know, don't let some boy you haven't even met yet get you down! And besides you are beautiful and I'm positive that Matt thinks you are too." Bri says to me and Taylor nods in agreement

"Thanks boo that really means a lot!" I say giving both of them a hug

"Know let's go get in line to meet the boys of our dreams!" Bri squeals as she takes my pinkie in her hand and holds it as we walk to the line. That's one of Bri's things that she loves to do, she loves to hold people's pinkies because she says it makes her feel safe and relaxed.

We've been in line for about thirty minutes and we are at the front of the line now! Aaron and Jacob are closets to the line so we start with them first. As I walk up to them I try and stay calm but it's INSANELY hard! They both hug me and Bri's recording the whole thing so I can have these memories forever! They make small talk with me cuz they have a ton of other fans waiting to meet them. I give them one last hug after they are done following me on Twitter and signing my shirt. I tell Aaron how cute he is and he says that hopefully he will see me around sometime and to message him on Twitter! After Taylor and Bri are done meeting Jacob and Aaron, we move to Jack and Jack's station.

"WOW! your so tall!!" I say to Jack G. as I walk up to the both of them. I swear he's like a giant!

" Way to make me feel bad!" Jack J pretends to pout as Jack G. laughs and pulls me into a hug!

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