chapter 8

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Sydney's P.O.V.


"Please! You have to stay with me!" I sob as I softly shake my sister who is laying lifeless in the hospital bed.

"You promised that you would always be by my side! I need you with me!" I sob harder as the color starts to fade from her body. I climb on the bed and lay next to her motionless body. I can't get my breathing under control because I'm crying so hard. The pain in my heart is unbearable! I feel like someone is crushing me, slowly, and painfully.

"I'm sorry honey but it's time for us to take her to the donor floor." the nurse says softly as she walks into the room. I was the last one out of all our family to say my goodbyes. But it just doesn't seem real! IT CAN'T BE REAL! I shake my head no in protest.

"Honey, I know this is very hard for you and your family but it's time for you to go." She says cautiously.

"But....but what if she wakes up!!?? I have to be there for her!" I say raising my voice.

" Honey, she's not going to wake up.......she's dead." she says and starts to tear up. She opens her arms and I walk into them and I just cry my eyes out until there are no more tears coming out. As I pull away, I walk back over to my sister's bed. I stand there, starring at her, taking in every feature as I start to cry again. I feel her soft brown hair in my fingers for the last time. I run my thumb across her ice cold cheek. I take in her small and gentle frame. Her lips, what were once pink, are now purple. I look at Her small delicate hands that would hold mine whenever I was scared.

" I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!" I yell and run out of the room and past all my family. I have no idea where I'm going but I don't stop running. I can hear people shouting after me until I'm outside the hospital. I stop for a second and catch my breath. I don't know where I'm headed and I don't really care! As I'm walking along the sidewalk, images of my sister start to fill my head. I can feel my heart shattering by the second, I see flashes of her all around me as she clouds my memory! I CAN'T TAKE THIS! I run over to a patch of grass, curl up in to a ball and just cry my heart out.

(End of nightmare)

I shot out of bed! I didn't realize I was crying until I felt hot tears running down my face. Every since my sister died, I've been having nightmares about almost every night! No matter how hard I try........I just can't forget it! I put on a big loose sweater and start heading towards the bathroom. wait!!?? How did I get in my room? I thought I feel asleep on Matt downstairs?? Oh well! I walk into the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face. I dry my face off and look at my reflection in the mirror.

"What have I become??" I say to myself as I stare at my reflection. What happened to the outgoing girl who used to always have a smile on her face?? I head back to my room to sleep because it's only 4:00 in the morning. As I walk in my room, I see Matt sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing up?" I say in a groggy voice. I sit criss cross Apple sauce on my bed in front of him.

" I heard you crying..." he says softly. "And I wanted to make sure you were okay?"

" Oh, I'm okay I guess? I just had a nightmare." I say playing with my hands.

"Was it about your sister?" he asks

"How did you know" I ask confused

"Bri told me that you have nightmares about your sister a lot." he says shyly

"Yeah it was. Thank you for checking up on me, that's really sweet of you." I half smile

"No problem!" he says, kissing me on the forehead and walking towards the door. Before he can exit, I say...........

"Hey Matt? Could you lay with me..........I'm having trouble sleeping." I ask shyly, not sure of how he will react.

"I'd be more than happy to!" he grins. He walks over to my bed and gets under the covers in the spot next to me. He wraps a hand around my waist and pulls me closer so my hand and my head are resting on his chest.

"Thank you Matt" I sigh

"You don't have to thank me beautiful!" he says

" No really, thank you. You saved my life."

"I thank God that your still alive and that I was able to help save your life." he says sincerely. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you?" he says so quietly that I can barely hear it.

"Hey I have an idea!" he says rolling over a little bit so he can get his phone out of his pocket. He dials a number and I can hear it start to ring.

"Hello?" I hear someone answer in a sleepy voice that I don't recognize.

"Hey Shawn! Could you do me a favor?" he says. WHY IS HE CALLING SHAWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?

"Sure, what is it?" he says and I can hear him shuffling around as Matt puts it on speaker phone.

"The boys and I are at Sydney's house, and Sydney is having a hard time sleeping. since she loves your singing, I was thinking that you could sing her a song? if that's not to much to ask?" Matt asks

" Sure! And I was already getting up cuz I have to go to the studio in an hour and a half, sooo why not!?" Shawn chuckles "Hey Sydney!" Shawn says.

"Hey Shawn! Thanks so much for doing this." I say, feeling bad that we woke him up.

"No problem! Just close your eyes and listen to my voice." he says. As I close my eyes and lay me head on Matt's chest, Matt takes my hand in his. Shawn starts to sing Wanted by Hunter Hayes and I can feel my body getting heavier and heavier as I drift back to sleep.


Okay! I know that this chapter kinda sucks but don't kill me cuz next chapter is gonna be good!!!! I knew I needed to update cuz I won't really have time to after this for awhile. So here you go! Lol, I hope you guys enjoyed it and remember to vote and feel free to comment! I'm open to any ideas! Love ya!!!!

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