Most heartbreaking accident - V

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You were a teacher, your students love you cause you always make them laugh
Before you even start to teach them you would always tell them jokes play with them and you have always enjoyed being a teacher

Since you were only 19 when you started teaching you were very close to the ages of your students

You were walking through the streets to go to the school that you were teaching

As you walk to the classroom all of your students stood up and greeted you
"Good morning Ma'am Y/N" they greeted with lots of energy "good morning students" you greeted them "you can now take your seat" you said to them and they sat down

When you were writing your name on the blackboard one student rise his hand and pointed to his friend next to him saying "ma'am he has a crush on you" you gasped

The student next to him blushed and that student is named Kim Taehyung also know as V

V's P.O.V

I blushed when my friend told our teacher that I had a crush on her which I did

"Is this true?" The teacher asked confused a little

I nod shyly and looked at the floor

Everyone in the classroom had a shocked face plastered on their faces

- months passed -

You were still in Love with your teacher every afternoon you would always give her flowers until now

You found out that your teacher already has a boyfriend they were together only last week

They're relationship lasted for only 3 months, Cause her boyfriend died
Due to an accident because he was driving while he was drunk

You rushed to the bathroom to take a bath and then change your clothes

You went to your teacher's house and found her sitting at her balcony looking at the sky with tears on her eyes you called her name and she turned to you and smiled you were so nervous if she will accept you as her Boyfriend now

You ran to their house and she ran to meet you she jumped at you with her arms on your shoulders

You whispered to her " i heard that you broke up with him" she pulled away from the hug and had a sad face and said " yes it's true I didn't know what to do cause this was my first time experiencing this kind of accident!" "It's okay I'm here for you no matter what I'll always be on your side through thick and thin" he said while stroking your hair

She smiled widely at you and whispered under her breathe
"I accept you now, I'll be your girlfriend" "what was that?" You questioned because you didn't hear her
She repeated " I accept you now, I,ll be your girlfriend"

You gave her a huge smile and she smiled back

"Really?!" You said

"Yes I now realize how you care for me and now I love you as much as you love me" she said

"You just made me the happiest guy on earth!" You said and kissed her cheek

"I love you Jagiya!" He said

"I love you too oppa" you said while you kiss his cheeck too

Hey guys! Did you like it? Hope you did! Cause if you did I will make a part 2 of this, if you have any requests jist comment them in the comment box cause I am accepting request

Ok bye guys! Stay tuned for the next part of this! Lots of hugs and kisses! 😘😘💋💋

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