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Situation: You're drunk and you're friend came over and is there to help you but you're friend has secret feelings for you


"Yo Jin! Yah! Join me!" I said and swing my arm in his broad shoulders

"Aishh Jinjja Y/N" Jin said and I just laid my head on his chest

"Why is your heart going bboombboom" I said and chuckled

"Y/N...... you make me feel like this.....I don't  know if you can remember this tomorrow but I really like you" He aaid in a serious tone

"Oh really?! Tha (hiccup) nkyou! I lile you too!" I said and he smiled

He carried me to my room since we were at the living room

He laid me down the bed

"Goodnight Y/N" He said and kissed my forehead, by that time I was already sleeping


"Namjoon....." I asked namjoon

"Yeah?" He replied

"Why (hiccup) why are you still single?" I asked

"Because I'm waiting for someone" He said

"W (hiccup) who?" I asked

"You" He said and I smiled

"Really? Woah..... I feel so special" I said

"You ARE special" He said and I chuckled

I end up falling asleep in his arms


"Sugaaaaaaaaaaaaa (hiccup)" I said

"Mmm?" He hummed

"Make it whistle (hiccup) like a missile

BOMB BOMB!" I sang

"Yup you're drunk come here" He said I obeyed and now I was laying in the couch and Suga was on the floor

I was sleeping soundly

"I love you so much" Suga said


"Hobiiii.... join me" I said he shook his head and I pout

"Drinking is bad for you...." He said and took my glass and placed it on the table

"But it taste gooood"

"I don't want you to get sick" He said

"Saranghaeyo" Hobi said

"I love you too" I said and it made Him blush hard

And then I fell asleep


"Jimin why is your (hiccup) hand small?" I asked and chuckled

"Well God made it small so that my hand would match with your smaller hands" Jimin answered and I chuckled

"Hehe my hands (hiccup) are bigger than yours" I said and he pouted

"You're so cute" I said

He blushed and I laid down oh his chest and slept there


"Taehyung-ah (hiccup) join me" I said

"Hmmm I'll just tell you a story" He said

"Yay! I looooooove stories" I said

I moved closer to him and laid my head to his shoulder

"Once upon a time" He said and he heard my snore

"The end" He said and chuckled and laid his head on mine


"Kookie! You ma man!" I said and smacked his shoulder

"Ouch.... what is it?"

"Jungkook-ah, can I sleep in your chest?" I asked and he

"Yeah, that's actually a saved spot for you" He said

"Awwwwwwwwwww kookie is so sweet" I said and pinched his cheeks

I slept in his chest and hugged him all night


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