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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung oppa, can we please buy icecream?" Lisa,  girlfriend asked me and I smiled and nodded we were now walking towards the ice cream booth and I bought her ice cream and we started eating

She was such a jolly person

My girlfriend is very slim though, and even though she's already soooooo skinny she still goes through diet, and because of that just last month the doctor said that she had ulcer and that's when I was extra careful and I watched her eat, I would be the one to put food on her bowl or plate and made sure she would eat properly

"Oppa what time is it?" She asked and I looked at my watch it read 8:03 am

We would take early morning walks and then eat ice cream

"8:03" I said I knew she had to go, she had to go to work,

"Hi Lisa!" A girl yelled

We looked at the direction of the voice and it was Y/N, her bestfriend

"Oh hi Taehyubg oppa" She greeted and I smiled

"Hi! Y/N-ah" I greeted back

"Anyways I got to go now oppa"Lisa said and kissed my cheek

"Okay bye jagiya~" I said and she smiled widely and then they left for work

While I went to the mall and searched for a ring well, it's because I'm proposing to her, to marry her we have been in a relationship for 6 years now and I think this is the right time


I was waiting for Lisa to come home, while holding the ring in my hand I was so excited

My plan was when Lisa came in I would be there already kneeled down and looking at her in the eyes, those eyes that made me fall deep in love with and those long eyelashes-

I was interrupted when I had a phone call I put the ribg back to my pocket and looked at who called me

It was Y/N......

"Annyeong? Why did you call?" I asked

"Come here to the hospital *insert hospital name* Lisa fainted while working and I had to bring her to the hospital please come pali!" She said and I ended the phone call and went to the carand stated to drive to the hospital she told me to go to

When I arrived there I saw Y/N tears in her eyes and then I sat beside her and she looked up at me

"What happened?" I asked

"She fainted I don't know why but when I tried to wake her up she wouldn't so I called the ambulance and when I got here they told me that she was in a critical situation I asked why and they told me that her ulcer got worse" She said whike crying

"Did she eat normally ahen she's with you?" I asked and she shaked her head

"Everytime I insisted for her to eat more she would either say that she was full or she already ate at home" She said and I looked down

~Few minutes later~

The doctor came out and I looked at the doctor with hopeful eyes and so was Y/N

"Sorry but we did all we can, I don't what she did to her body that made it this critical, we tried everything but her heartbeat stopped and we tried to bring her back but we couldn't" The doctor said

Tears were now starting to stream down Y/N's cheeks as my eyes were getting wattery as well

I lost my balance and I leaned in the wall instead my cheeks were soaked with tears my eyes were getting redder and redder (does that word even exists?😂 lol)

"Why her? Why does it have to be her? I was supposed to live happily with her! Why? Why!?" I said and I shouted the why......

I took the ring and looked at it and more tears started to stream down my face


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