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I woke up when my phone rang
I went to the bathroom to start taking a shower I ate breakfast and put on my school uniform  and went to school

I went to my classroom to see my best friend Jimin with another girl I had a crush on him I just didn't want to tell cause I think that might ruin our friendship

I went inside and Jimin noticed me

"Hi Y/N!! Come here!" He said to me

"Okay" i said to him

"Y/N this is Carina our new best friend she wanted to be friends with me but I said that she had to be friends with you too" he said as he looked at me

Carina gave me a very evil smirk and she extended her hand to me

"Nice to meet you" she said still having a smirk on her face

I shaked her hand and she tightened the grip and she hurt my hand

"Ow!!" I said

"What happened?!" Jimin asked me

"I didn't even hurt her! I don't know whats happening to her" she said in a fake worried way

I went to my seat and I just sat there drawing something while I was listening to Jimin and Carina talking to each other

Class started and I was still thinking of why she did that to me

Maybe its because she hates me or maybe its because she likes Jimin and she wants me to get away from Jimin so that she'll get his heart

It was recess and I was talking to Jimin and Carina

"Lets get something to eat" Carina said while holding Jimin's  hand and dragging him to the canteen

I was left there alone and then I heard Carina's voice calling on me

"Don't even go near Jimin or else"
Carina said to me

"Or else what?!" I said in an irritated and angry voice

"Or else I'm gonna tell Jimin that you hate him so that you'll never hang out with him again" she said to me trying to scare me

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?!  Stop trying to ruin our friendship Or else I'll tell Jimin what happened earlier and what you did to my hand and what you said to me right now do you really think that Jimin will believe you? You just met him I'm him best friend" I said

It was silent and then Jimin came back with food for me

"Hey Y/N lets eat" he said

"Oh okay" i said back and went to Jimin leaving Carina alone

I was laughing and eating with Jimin then Carina came to us

"Hey Jimin help me with my drawing?" She asked trying to look cute

"Um okay but give me five minutes I' still eating join us so that you won't be bored" Jimin said to her

"Uhh okay" she said

She went in between us trying to separate me from Jimin

She looked at Jimin and stared at his food

"Can you feed me a kimchi please? I don't have anything to eat" she said to Jimin trying to insist him

"Oh um okay" he fed Carina a kimchi

I walked away without a word and went to my seat I decided to record everything that she said about me

I pulled out my phone and started to record right in time she went to me and scared me again

"Haha do you think that Jimin will like you? He likes me now and don't try to interrupt us next time we bond cause you're just gonna ruin everything so don't go near him or else I'll tell him that you hate him" she said and walked

School ended and I decided to go to the park to get some fresh air and just forget about what happened earlier I took my stuff and left the classroom without a word I didn't even say goodbye to Jimin

Jimin's P. O. V.

I saw Y/N leaving the room in a hurry I tried to chase her but someone grabbed my wrist

"Where are you going oppa?" Carina asked me slightly annoyed

"I'm going to Y/N and don't call me oppa I don't even like you" I said to her while running for Y/N

I saw her in the park sitting on the bench with her earphone on her ears I walked to her and I sat next to her she didn't notice me because of the loud music she was playing

I took one of her earphone out and talked to her

"Hey..." I said

"What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be with Carina!? Don't worry about me just go she might be looking for you right now" She said  in an annoyed and angry

"I left her" I said

"Oh" she said in a guilty way

"Hey you need to listen to this" she said while she was handing me her earphone and phone she started to play the record she had

"Haha do you think that Jimin will like you? He likes me now and don't try to interrupt us next time we bond cause you're just gonna ruin everything so don't go near him or else I'll tell him that you hate him"

I was shocked when I heard that

"Sorry I didn't know she was treating you like this I promise that I will never be with her again" I said to Y/N

"Thanks" she said

"Hey Y/N i wanted to tell you this a long time now but I was afraid that it might ruin our friendship"
I said to her nervous

"What is it?" She asked

"Uhm I like you!!" I said to her

"Hmmm I like you too" she said to me

"Really?!" I asked her and held her hand

"Yes" she said to me

"Ugh seriously?! I didn't even get a chance to tell you that I like you!" Carina said she startled us cause she just came out of nowhere

"Just get out Carina! You're starting to get into my nerves!" I shouted at Carina

"Fine then! I hate you all!" Carina shouted

Carina walked her way away from us

"I love you more than her always remember that" I said to Y/N

"I love you too Jimin" I said as  I intertwined our hands together

Heyy guys!!!!😂😂😂 sorry for the cringe!😂😂 comment your requests and please vote

Lots of hugs and kisses!!♥️♥️💋💋


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