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It was 2:00 pm I was looking everywhere, I was looking under the bed, the drawers, my study table yet I still can't find the necklace that mom gave me


"Y/N t- take this" My mom said while she was taking the necklace off her neck, still laying down the hospital bed I didn't understand what was happening all I could do is cry

"Waeyo Eomma?" I asked

"Just take it daddy will explain okay? B-bye saranghaeyo Y/N-ah" My mom said while her eyes were slowly closing

"Eomma?"  I asked slightly panicking

"EOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted while tears were rolling down my eyes, my shouting cause my sleeping dad to wake up

"What's happening Y/N-ah?" My dad asked me

"Appa! EOMMA SHE'S NOT WAKING UP!" I said and my dad looked at my mom with tears in his eyes and then he came in to hug me

End of flashback

This flashback cause my eyes to be watery but I ignored it, I can't lose that necklace!

I walked down to go to the kitchen my dad was sitting in the living room, he didn't have work since it's Sunday

"Appa, have you seen the necklace that Eomma gave me?" I asked and my dad widened his eyes

"You lost it?!?!" He asked

"I don't know! I can't find it!" I said and then the doorbell rang

"I'll get it"  I said and went for the door

"Hi Jagi~" Taehyung said and hugged me

"Oh! Tae oppa! What brings you here?"
I asked

"Oh! Uhhh you left your necklace when we were watching a movie last night" He said I gave him a questionable look

"What? How did it get there though" I said and grabbed the necklace that was in Taehyung's hands

"I don't know I just found it in my pocket last night" He said and I just  shrugged and smiled

"Anyways I gotta go now" He said

"What? Aren't you gonna stay for a while?" We both look at the person who said it, Appa

"I need to tell you something" My dad said and we nodded

We sat on the couch

"Okay.....I think it's time for me to tell you on why should take care of that necklace" My dad said and we nodded

"Okay so it was a long time ago when it was me and your mom's 5th anniversary, I gave that as a gift to her, my mom told me that if I give a necklace to my loved one, then my loved one should always take care of that bracelet, because if it breaks or tears  apart, the it means that the relationship would go through problems and then end

But your mom kept that necklace very safe, she knows about what my mom said and she doesn't want us to be apart, so when she died, she passed it to you, she wanted you to take care of it so that your loved one will love you forever

Because the bracelet is a circle it means it has no ending, it's forever

So that's why you should take care of it" my dad said which left me and Taehyung looking at him amazed and terrified

"Anyways you can go now Tae" My dad said and Taehyung stood up and kissed my forehead I waved at him and smiled

And then he left

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