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I woke up from my alarm clock I looked at the time and it was 6:00 am I stood up and got ready for school it was a Friday morning

I wore an oversized white hoody and some baggy jeans

If you're asking 'why am I wearing these type of clothes when I can wear a crop top and skinny jeans

Well...... it's because I'm Chubby and I'm scared that people would bully me

One time I wore an oversized pink hoody and they told me that the color matched me because I looked like a pig

And the other day I wore color red

And they told me that I looked like a hotdog that's why I wear only black and white

I went downstairs to eat my breakfast after that I went to go to school

When I stepped inside of school I could already hear gossips

'The fat girl is here again'

'She is so ugly'

'Don't talk to her like that!'

I looked up at the person who said that and it was my friend Jimin

He walked towards me and smiled

"Hi Y/N!" He said and waved his small little hands

"Hey Jimin" I said and smiled genuinely

"Let's go?" He said and he put his arm around my shoulders

We went to our classrooms since we were classmates

I sat on my chair and soon the class started


School was done and I was about to go home when Jimin grabbed my arm

"Hey, wanna hangout?" He asked me

"Yeah sure" I said and smiled

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow since it's Saturday" He said and I smiled and nodded

I walked home and greeted my mom and started to do my night time routine and I played with my phone a bit and then started to do my homework and went to sleep

I woke up and remembered that I have a play date with Jimin

I just wore an oversized black hoodie and white pants and went to the park where we would meet

I sat down there and waited for him and in a few minutes he came

"Hey Y/N!" He greeted and I smiled at him

"Y/N.... can you give me tips?" He asked and I was confused

"Tips for what?" I asked

"You know on how to get a girl's heart" He said and my heart broke knowing that he likes someone

What did I expect? I was just a fat girl who's inlove with her boy. Friend

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