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Semestral break ended and I was so excited to go to school, I woke up and started to get ready for school, I took a shower,ate breakfast and wore my school uniform

As I was walking to school I started to think positive situations and negative situations

My positive thoughts were:
I get to see my friends again!
I get to have my allowance!
I get to see my crush!

My negative thoughts:
But my crush is my BULLY (Suga)

That was the only negative thing that got in my mind I don't even know why I have a crush on my bully and I don't even know why my bully bullies me!

He would always go to school early and waited for me to come so that he would start to tease me and call me names

I got to school and I was surprised that no one was there just a couple of volley ball players that was playing volley ball

I went to my classroom relieved but then I saw.... My Bully

"Ugh" I said in my mind

"Hey Nerd" he said to me while laughing a little

"I'm don't even wear eye glasses and put on braces I'm not even smart!" I said to him annoyed

"Well I guess I just like to call you that" he said to me

"Well stop it 'cause it's getting annoying" I said harshly

I put on my earphones and Put it on the highest volume si that I wouldn't here him

"Well I don't want to 'cause if I did then I wouldn't be able to get your attention" he said

The only thing I could here from him was the words "your attention"

I took my earphones out and told him

"Sorry what was that?" I asked him confused

"Nothing" he said and then left the room

During class he would always look at me it's sometimes only last for seconds or sometimes minutes

Suga's P. O. V

I do not know why I keep bullying her when I actually want to be friends with her and get to know her better

It was Lunch time and I went with My friends Taehyung,jimin,jungkook,rapmon,jin, and J-Hope

We went to get our food and went to sit on the table we usually sit on

Y/N was right in front of our table

I stared at her for minutes that I forgot to eat my lunch

"Hyung I need to tell you something" Taehyung told me

"What is it?" I asked looking at him serious

" I have a crush on Y/N" He said to me while he was looking away 'cause he thought that he embarrassed himself

I choked in my own saliva and smiled at him

"O-okay then" i told taehyung

"Okay I just wanted to let that out my chest it was getting too heavy hehe" he continued

I started to think to make a move already since I now have a rival on Y/N's heart

Y/N's P. O. V

Hmmm I wonder why Suga was chocking on his saliva well nevermind it's not my business anyways

I opened my locker to get my books for the next subject in the afternoon

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