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I woke up and did my morning routine I took a bath showered and then I went to go get a cake for my boyfriend's V-Day! (Get it?😂)

I went to get a cake

The cake said

'Happy V-DAY my love'

I kinda laughed at my cheesiness

I went to my car and started driving to V's house

When I got there he wasn't there so I checked his room

I knocked on the door and all I heard were snores

I went inside and saw V with another woman

He woke up and looked at me

"Y/N I can explain" He  said in a worried tone

And the girl woke up

I felt my tears running down to my cheeks.

"No need to explain I am not dumb I can understand what's happening

Happy Birthday.........." I said and left the room

Taehyung's P. O. V.

Y/N came in and saw me sleeping with a girl who is my SISTER

She greeted me a happy birthday and left I was running to catch up with her but she was too fast I came back to the house and saw a cake it said

'Happy Birthday my love'

And a tear rolled down to my cheeks

I decided to go to her house

I drove my way there and knocked on the door

I know there was somebody inside because there was sobbing

I noticed it wasn't locked and I just went in I saw y/n crying on the floor

I went to her and sat next to her she turned away from me

I chuckled

"y/n you know I wouldn't replace you with anybody you're the only one that I love the gurl that was with me was my sister!" I said and back hugged her she looked at me and hugged me tightly

"I love you y/n" I said

"I LOVE YOU THE MOST TAEHYUNG!!!! You really scared me!!!!!" She said

"Okay let's go and celebrate my birthday" I said and she nodded



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