Kim Taehyung

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"HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA" You laughed at me while I was struggling to get up

"so you're not gonna help me?!" I asked out of disbelief

"loser" She said and I just scoffed

"yeah right" I said and rolled my eyes


"YOU BITCH" I said and took some of the ketchup which were now on my WHITE t-shirt

"You started it" He said and laughed

"Fuck you I'm gonna get you back for this" I said and walked off

"SORE LOSER" He shouted and I just rolled my eyes and started to clean my shirt


"You like her?" She asked and I immediately shook my head

"awwww don't pretend! I'm fast-witted so I know you like her" She said and I just looked down

"HEY! HEY LADY! THIS GUY LIKES YOU!" She shouted earning attention from other people who were also at the cafe

The Lady looked and laughed

"yeah, I think she's too old for you" She said and I was so angry I can punch her

"YOU!!!!!" I shouted as she started to run away

I was chasing after her when I tripped on a rock

She just laughed at me and I pouted

that bitch


I'm trying to control my feelings but I can't


I think I already like you


but you like that girl that works at the cafe


"You never had a first kiss before?" my friend asked me and I shook my head

"hahaha you're so weak you can't even kiss a girl" They said and made fun of me

I just stood up from my seat and skipped the other hours of class

I was at the rooftop

all alone

when someone called me

"Hey! HEY IDIOT!!!!" I already knew who it was

"what do you want you moron?"


"why are you here?" She asked

"my friends made fun of me" I said

"lol who wouldn't?" she asked and I glared at her


"why though?"

"cause I didn't have my first kiss yet"

"well I also don't have a first kiss" She said and I looked at her and shrugged

"who would wanna kiss you?" I asked and she glared at me


"should we kiss?" She asked and I looked at her and shrugged

"should we?" I asked

"but after this we can hate each other again" She said and I smiled


then I leaned in and kissed her

I pulled away from the kiss and shrugged

"I hate you"

"I hate you too"


"I like you"

I looked at her and looked back at my smoothie

"I like you too"

she looked at me and nodded

"so uh are we dating now?" she asked

"should we date?" She asked

"we should date" I said and kissed her


"so..... when did you start to like me?" I asked

"remember that time when you chased me cause I shouted that you liked that girl in the cafe?"


"Remember when you tripped and you pouted?"

"I don't know you just looked kinda cute"

"so you liked me 8 years ago?" I asked she nodded

"you liked me when we had our first kiss?"


"when did you start to like me?"

"when we kissed each other in the rooftop"


"do you still like me now?" I asked

"I don't like you anymore though" She said I looked at her with teary eyes my heart stopped for a moment

"w-why?" I asked

"because I love you" She said and it made my heart beat again

but faster

"I love you too" I said and we kissed each other


from I hate yous to I like yous and I love yous

you can't stop fate even if you hate that person

if it's for you

then it's for you

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