Love triangle- Jin

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It was the first day of school and I was so nervous if me and my bestie will be classmates or something

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number

"Hello!" I asked on the phone while waiting for Kylie to answer back

"Hey! What's up? Ready for school?" She asked me in a very excited voice

"Um actually Kylie can you come here to pick me up so that I have someone to talk to while I go to school?" I asked her while I played with a strand of my hair

"What? Why?" She answered me and laughed a bit

"I'm shy a little" I said embarrassed of what I just said

"Okay okay I'll be there in twenty minutes to pick you up you better be ready cause I don't wanna be late for school" she said teasing me to hurry up

"Okay I just need to pick an outfit and do my hair" I answered

" okay byee"  she said

"Bye". I said before hanging up

I searched through my closet to find an outfit  I just wore a black short skirt  that wasn't that short though and an oversized white plain sweater and a pair of high white converse shoes

I was satisfied by how I looked and I moved to make up I just put on some eyeliner pink lipstick and eyeshadow

I waited outside for my friend to arrive and pick me up I stayed there for ten minutes

As I was waiting I saw a car that was very familiar then it parked in front of our house the driver's seat window opened and revealed my best friend Kylie

"Hey!!! My Mom let me borrow her car!" She said while playing really loud music inside the car

" okay just stop the music cause it's too loud" I said as I looked back at my house to see if we interrupted anyone luckily nobody woke up because of us

"Okay now come in here we are going to be late for school" she said to me

" coming!" I yelled as I ran to the other side of the car

" nice outfit By The Way" she said to me as she scanned me from head to toe

As she was driving I saw her phone I wanted to borrow it so that we could take a selfie together

I snatched her phone and opened it she looked at me and changed her expression when I opened her phone I saw a text message from a guy named Jin and it had emojis that are 😍♥️💋 I was so shocked and looked at her with my eyes filled with tears she quickly snatched her phone

I was silent for the whole ride cause I was so angry at her I didn't notice she was talking to me

"Y/N I can explain" she said as she slowed down cause we were in front of the gate of the school

"I don't need you to explain to me I can understand things by myself, I don't ever wanna see you again, you were my best friend I trusted you but you wasted my trust for you now just leave me alone and never talk to me never call or text me cause I don't have a friend that's a liar" I said calmly and angrily at the same time

"But Y/N" she said while locking the door so that I would stay and talk to Kylie

"I said leave me alone!!! Isn't it enough for you to lie to me?! And steal my boyfriend no wonder he is always busy! I can't believe you can do this yo me! You were my best friend!" I said yelling and pushing her after every sentence

She unlocked the door and let me out I ran to our classroom and put my bag there I noticed the names on the classrooms on who ever my classmates are

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