Attack Plans

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**Emmys POV**


I now sat in another camp, this time surrounded by an Indian tribe. Tiger Lily made me sit here by the fire and wait until she came back and I listened. No way was I leaving this place now, when Peter Pan is out looking for me. I turned my head to see Tiger Lily walking back so I stood up and faced her.

"What now?" I asked. She stopped in front of me.

"I need to show you to someone. Then we can discuss your friend. “She replied and then turned toward a tent. I stayed put.

"Wait so is this person perhaps Captain Hook? Or no maybe it’s Wendy. Is Wendy here?" I asked her with fake curiosity. She turned around rolling her eyes and told me to come, and so I did.

Inside the tent I waited as I saw Tiger Lily talking to a man sitting on the ground, most likely the Indian Chief. He looked up at me and nodded for me to sit down.

As I got myself comfortable on the ground he started to speak.

"I am sorry for the loss of your friend. She was a strong Warrior." He stated simply. I nodded in acceptance and he continued.

"My people have already decided that we want to fight him back. Not just because of what he did to Alex but as well on the point that he is growing weaker and not all his lost boys are on his side." I looked up surprised.

"Really? Only one lost boy helped me out. No other seemed to be in sight." I replied. I turned to see Tiger Lily sitting next to me.

"Most of the boys liked Alex better as a leader than Peter Pan. But they are smart not to show it yet. He will kill them if he finds out. A disloyal follower is a death sentence to anyone who acts on that name." Tiger Lily responded. I must have paled because the Chief looked at me with concern. I quickly coughed it off and continued.

"How long do you think until we go and attack? “I asked, looking right at the chief. He still had a worried expression on his face but he answered.

"We were hoping to attack in five days’ time. During that period I want you to stick by Tiger Lily’s side as she explains to you how we will do it and how you come in. But before you go I need to hear from you exactly why Peter Pan killed Alex. He is too smart to just kill someone if they did nothing wrong. He always has a reason." He replied. I thought for a moment about whether or not I could trust him or not, but if they were going to attack Pan, then I should.

"Peter Pan wanted the book that Alex used to travel here. I guess he wanted to control whatever way you got on to this island. He didn't like Alex either. But that is really all I know. Everything else Alex kept quiet from me." I replied, staring directly at the chief. He nodded.

"Where is this book you speak of?" He asked, and I pulled out the box.

"It's this. Tinkerbelle transformed it into a box so that Peter won't take it from me." I watched as the chief stood up and he smiled.

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