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You awoke to one word. 

The sound of people yelling "BUCKY!" from down the hall took you from your dreams. Slowly you stood up and sleepily made yourself down the hall and into the the living area to see what all the ruckus was. "BUCKY! BUCKY!" Sam (falcon) yelled from the fridge.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" You asked him.

"He's Steve's friend." He responded, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Why are you yelling his name?"

"Because," He said taking another sip. "Me and Tic Tac are seeing who can yell the loudest."


"Because we're bored." Scott (ant-man) said hopping off of the counter.

"Ok then." You said simply while pouring a cup of coffee for yourself.

"I've learned not to question their behavior." You heard Wanda shout from another room, followed by some crashing noise and "PIETRO!" Yup just another day in Avenger's headquarters. There was then a gust of wind and Pietro was next to you.

"Are you single?" He asked, making you choke on your drink.


"Are you single?" He asked again, his face looked really concentrated.

"Yeah, why?" You asked him, setting your cup of coffee down.



"We made a bet, I thought you were dating Peter and she said you weren't." He explained, another gush of wind came and he was eating an apple. Wanda was also there now.

"Ok, well I'm not allowed to date so..." You trailed off a little awkwardly.

"Why not?" Wanda asked you. You just shrugged.

"We have to fix this." Tony said walking into the room like he was about to give a speech.

"Why do people keep randomly walking in?" You asked, looking around the room.

"Everyone wants you to get with the kid a-" Tony began.

 "Well except for your dad....But everyone thinks you'd be cute together." Natasha cut in.

"Where did you come from?" You asked her, confused. But she didn't answer because at that same moment Steve walked in with another man who had a metal arm. "Time to get to work." 

I know this was super short and boring I'm sorry, but the next one will be better I promise.

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