Chapter 1 ~ Captured

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Chapter 1 ~ Captured

**Hey guys!! So this is my first attempt at writing a story I hope you all like it!! Comment, Vote, Like, Recommend to others, and THANK YOU!!  =] **


Jada’s POV

There are a lot of crazy, sick people out there; killers, kidnappers, psychos, rapists, the watchers, the sidekicks, and the ones with the mind of a criminal. It’s scary to think that at any moment you could be snatched up by one of these people and never see your family and friends again. Someone out there could be watching you, know all your information and secrets, and could strike at anytime.  It’s also terrible to realize how impure our world is, but we have to look past all the evil if we want to be able to find the good. 

Many times I wonder if everything is just a game. There are good times and bad times, we all get hurt in our life time, and face many obstacles. We can heal and regain our power but can be destroyed at any point. There are good guys and bad guys and others as well. Life is just one big game that we are tested with to prove if we can survive. Today is the day we would become trapped in a game I never wanted to play along with many others.

It was four o'clock on a Wednesday morning, which I luckily had off from school. My parents were at work which left me home alone laying in bed, a bowl of popcorn and a Gatorade in both hands while I flicked through the channels. I settled on watching a new episode of the Big Bang Theory. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth right when the doorbell rang. Rolling out of bed I quickly ran to the door but realized I still had the popcorn in my mouth. I leaned over my railing and spit all the popcorn over it, cleaning my mouth out.

The door bell rang again just as I unlocked the bolt and twisted the handle open. Behind the door was my ex boyfriend standing on the Welcome In mat, looking down at the ground. "Shane, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

His eyes flickered up to mine and let out a long breath before saying, "Hey Jada, um I was wondering if I could talk to?" He stepped back after saying his last word giving me room to step outside my house.

I was about to say no but when I saw the pleading look in his baby blue eyes, so I stepped out. He looked relieved as I came closer and then amused as he looked me over. I looked down and realized I had my big, bulky, blue sweater on, along with my pajama shorts and my hair was messed. I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly ran my hand through my straight as an arrow, brown hair trying to make it presentable. I decided to speak first because he looked almost speechless. "What do you want Shane?"

"I..." he took a deep breath preparing himself for what he was going to say next. "I am really sorry about what went down between us."

"You mean the fact that you cheated on me with another girl and then tried to blame me" I hissed back.

"I didn't blame you! It was just a huge mistake and..."

"You came here to apologize" I interrupted. "Yeah well you're five months too late!"

I could tell he was starting to become angry from the look in his eyes. "I am sorry it’s just that you hurt me."

"I know and I am sorry. If I could take it all back I would. I am also sorry for what is about to happen. I never meant for it and I will regret it."

I was totally confused at what he just said, but I was soon terrified as two men came running out of the trees after us. I quickly ran to my door twisting the handle ready to run in and be safe, but the door didn't budge. I pushed and banged as hard as I could trying to get it open and when I finally did I was grabbed around the waist by one of the men.

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