"I just feel left out"

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A/N: sorry for all the Cody Imagines. It just gets really hard to write Theo ones sometimes. I promise-more Theo Imagines coming!

It was like any normal night-me and Cody had made plans to stay in and watch movies like we used too.

That was until he started canceling plans on me and going out to after parties with the boys instead. Tonight-was no different. Cody called me after he was done for the day and seemed excited.
"Hey babe-I'm going to an after party with Posey, O'Brien, and some of the other boys from set. Don't bother making me dinner." He said. "Oh-okay. So I guess no movie night then?" I said. "I'm sorry-Next week I promise." He said. "You always say that." I mumbled. "What?" "Nothing-just go have fun and don't worry-I'll be asleep when you get home." I said, hanging up the phone before he could protest.

I placed my phone in the bedside table and looked at the time. 8:17. 'Well, I guess I'll just go to sleep now.' I thought to myself. I layed on my side of the bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I let out light sobs as I hugged the covers tighter, acting like they would comfort me.
This wasn't the first night I was going to bed and most likely waking up alone-but it was sure as hell the last.

When Cody came home (around midnight or so). He woke me up.
"Hey love, I'm home." He said. I just mumbled and went back to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning-he was gone. I went through my day as usual. I went to the gym and did some grocery shopping and picked out some new shirts that I really needed.
Then suddenly, as I sit down on the sofa and turn on the t.v-my phone rang. Cody's name popped up on the screen.
"Hey baby, So I was just letting you know-" "that you're going out again and I'll be left at home alone again with no one to talk to and bored out of my freaking mind because you're too selfish? Okay fine-whatever." I said and hung up the phone.

He continuously called and texted me over and over again but I ignored them all. I wasn't having it. I went upstairs and began packing my bags. I wasn't going to be in a relationship where I'm doing most of the work.

"Y/N?!" Cody yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and continued packing. When he made his way to the bedroom he looked at me with wide eyes. "Whe-where are you going?" He asked, getting nervous. "I'm done Cody. I'm done going to bed every night alone. I'm done being ditched because the guys asked you to go out. I'm done sitting on the couch, alone, watching Netflix because my boyfriend decided to go out and didn't even bother to invite me! I'm done being the only one putting in work Cody! I'm just done!" I yelled, slamming my suitcase shut. "Y/N, if you would've told me I-" "That's the thing Cody...I shouldn't have to tell you to spend time with me. If you really wanna get away from me that badly then I'll just leave. Not just the house-but you too." I said, shuddering at the end.
"Y/N, babe. I-I can fix this." He begged, reaching for my hand. "Cody you know I don't mind you going out-but when you start putting more work into your friendships and taking away from your girlfriend-it sucks. If you would've invited me and I said no every time it would be a different story. But you don't even ask-you just tell me what you're doing and when you'll be home." I said. "I am sorry-It's just-the guys wanna hang out and I like hanging out with them." He said, shrugging. "Then you'll give all your free time to them now-because I'm done being on the sidelines Cody. I'm done feeling left out of everything." I said, grabbing my suitcase and heading downstairs.

"Y/N, please. I will make it better-you can come out with us if you want." He said, trying to fix things. "That's the thing Cody-you still wanna go out and party-I don't. I wanna be like we used to before we could go out and drink. I like that Cody much better. I don't know who this Cody is-he isn't the Cody I fell in love with." I said.

"Please-Y/N. I-I'll do anything! Just please-please don't leave me. I need you. I can't love be without you. I'll be lost if I don't come home to you." He said. "Cody, you haven't been coming home to me. You've been going out then coming home to sleep next to me. You don't come home when I'm awake and when I wake up, you're gone. I literally never see you. This is the first time I've actually talked to you in person for weeks." I said, placing my bag down.
"I know, and I am sorry. I wi-wish I could fix it. I really am sorry. I just want you to be happy. And if you're happy with leaving me then so be it. But I do want you to know what my intentions were with you..."he trailed off. "Within the last few weeks, me and the boys just went to a bar to have a few drinks and talk. Tyler asked me if me and you were getting serious and I said yes. And well, we've been looking at rings for you..and I finally found one..." he said, pulling the velvet box out of his back pocket.

My jaw dropped. My eyes watered and I instantly felt guilt wash over me. "Cody I-" I could barely get the words out. "I'm so sorry Cody..I..." I felt like the worst person in the world.

I dropped to my knees and began sobbing loudly-each sob racking my body. Cody knelt done beside me and took me in his arms. "It's okay, It's okay. Hey, look at me.." he said, putting a finger under my chin to help me look st him.

"I love you-that's why I wasn't asking you to go out. I didn't want you to find out-but I had this whole thing planned for tomorrow but now is a better time." He said, shifting to one knee.

I shifted so that I was on my knees as well. "Y/N, will you marry me?" He asked. All I could do was nod.
"Yes! Yes of course!" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you baby, so much."

Cody Christian Imagines Where stories live. Discover now