5. Jump

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     Dan's POV

"Dan, don't you fucking dare leave!" Woody roared, still trying to break free of Will's arms. "Leaving us isn't going to solve anything!"

     I stopped right at the doorway, right before slamming it shut. Right, my watch. It should be fully charged and ready for use, I took a glance at Woody before eyeing my own stuff.

     "Do I look like I really give a fuck?" I tilted my head at him.

     Kyle still seemed terrified as I approached my backpack sitting right beside the chair he was sitting in. His body inches away from me in fear as I dug through my bag to find the fully charged watch. Only blood can help me...I desperately grin madly as my hand traces around the front side of the device, hastily grabbing it before taking it out from the little pocket.

     I eyed Will and made the "be quiet" gesture at him before switching out my watches, right in front of everyone without giving a single fuck. It's time...gotta jump...

     "Dan! Stop it!" Woody aggressively screeched with rage. "You can't go around doing anything you fucking want! You're a fucking selfish bastard!"

     "I'm hungry!" I scream at Bastille's drummer. I gotta get out and breathe fresh air! "Can't you see?!"

     "What the fuck do you fucking mean?!" Chris demanded, now successfully clawed out from Will's grasp.

     "You'll never understand who I want to be," I turned back once more to glare, feeling blood red fill the blues of my irises. "This is who I want to be, and you can't fucking stop me."

     "Yes, you can!" Kyle pathetically yelled. "You can stop being...this, and be a better person! I've seen you on both good and bad days, and don't think that I never notice because I do. You think I'm a pathetic human with no use on this planet, but you're fucking wrong, Daniel. I can do more than sit in a corner and cry about life. I can put a stop to this."

     "Shut your face, Simmons," I hissed. "No one can change who I am."

     "Dan, get your ass back here!"

     I slammed the door shut and stormed from the room, searching for an isolated corner or blind spot to jump. Must kill...the bloodlust clouded my sanity as I hungrily turned on the device, scrolling through the countless possibilities of locations and periods I could flee to.

     Today was different from the rest. One kill couldn't feed my mentality to hunt, I had to feast multiple times. Stupid fucking Woody made my resentment toward the band grow, and my mind insane from the lack of blood on my hands. And that fucking twat, Kyle Simmons...if he hadn't done his pathetic and emotional rant, maybe he wouldn't be wondering why I was who I was.

     Gotta start from the beginning...the first...my humanity was gone at this point. I was on elimination mode, unstoppable, invincible, a wall that couldn't be broken with a nuclear bomb. I had to start from the very start, the origin of serial killers.

     H. H. Holmes.

     The gate materialized with swirls of red and dusts of blue, with every fucking existing colour in between as it formed into a portal to my haven, my safe spot, heaven. And so, I lifted my right foot, let it step in, felt it fly free of stress from stupid Chris, pathetic Kyle, and innocent little William.

     I had one more thing to finish before I could start my spree. This is your fucking fault, Barnes. You always, always over power me during gigs! It's not fucking fair! I'm the lead singer! The victim slot of this watch. I had never used it, but today was the day. So I set the name to Charlie's and smirked before I let my whole body lean inside the gate, and disintegrate away from 2017.

     Kyle's POV

     "Where the fuck did he go?!" Woody grumbled loudly as we ran down the hall. "Kyle, you should've fucking let me handle him!" He spat at me.

     "Calm down!" Will placed a soft hand upon our drummer's tensed up shoulder. "I have to-"

     "Over there!" I cried, spotting a bright light of flashing colours.

     "I swear...if this is just some stupid..." all the anger faded once we came across the bizarre and mesmerizing phenomenon. "...what the...?"

     "He's jumped." Will gasped. "I have to go after him," he worriedly looked behind his shoulder at us. "Sorry, Woody," our bassist bit his lip before charging inside the particles portal.

     "Where'd he go?" Woody angrily stepped right in front of the dazzling swirl of colours. "Fucking Dan," he muttered before going in, going in without my authorization.

     Guess I have no choice but to...I shut my eyes as I felt myself climb in, nothing but air around me as I opened my eyes to find my own mind and body in a bright and dreadfully long tunnel of light.

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