12. Hypnotic Brown Eyes (@durbxnskies)

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     Kyle's POV

     "So you're from a time where you can ask Mister Google what time is it and he tells you the time?" Woody slammed his head on the table. We've been trying to get through to these people's heads that we were from the future. I mean, this was the only explanation for us too. That huge circle room with all those doors...we must've travelled somewhere in time. That can't be psychically possible.

     "Do you have WiFi?" Woody mumbled loud enough so at least Laureline could hear what he was saying. He then slipped his phone back in his pocket. "Fucking hell," Will whispered, rubbing his head in fustration.

     Of course we don't have WiFi.

     "See...we don't belong here." I didn't know why we were still trying to explain ourselves. These people know we were not from this era - I guess we were doing it for our own sakes. "What does your friend look like?" The guy said in a thick American accent, there was something dodgy about him. He never looked at you in the eye, even when he was directly talking to you.

     "Like I said before he's tall and good looking." I think both me and Will were getting pissed off by Woody. "Okay then..." Laureline said.

     It's like her dad has punished her or something? She was a sit still and look pretty type of girl, she sat in the oldest chair in existence. It was dark wood, but I couldn't see the legs because of her long dress.

     Laureline had medium length brown hair. It was short but she could still style it Victorian style. She had brown eyes and fair skin. I hated to diss the girls of 2017 but - she was the most prettiest, all natural girl in existence. I mean...to be fair I've only seen three and the others wanted me dead and looked like they climbed out of a sewer.

     I get that she came from wealth because the other girls on the street didn't have as good, clear skin as her. Maybe Laureline was the only clean girl?

     Not to be weird or anything but that suited my hygiene needs. I'd well share a McDonald's Diet Coke with her any day. "What name does the gentleman go by?" What the fuck type of question is that?

     "Dan Smith." the guy looked startled. "Daniel?" Will shook his head for me. "No...just Dan. It's a nickname." Her father then admired my lovely watch...in his greasy hands. Oh god.

     "What is the man's full name?" Why the fuck - no. No. I wasn't going to seriously start an argument. Not now. "Daniel. But he likes to be called Dan." The guy completely blanked me out and then snarled at the watch.

     "I'll ask the local priest if he can help spread Daniel Smith's name around in no time. He's very popular." I rolled my eyes. "That isn't exactly what we asked you for. We asked for your help finding him...now." The man stood up with red flakes in his green eyes.

     "You have no gratitude!" He slammed the table as I stood up with my eyes focused on my watch. "Give me back my watch and we'll be on our way." Behind me I heard Woody clap very, very slowly. I didn't bother turning around to see his probably amused face. Woody liked it when I stood up for myself.

     Apparently if I was in Aladdin I'd be the magic carpet everyone stood on, according to Wood. That to me was a fucking disappointment that my friends felt that way about me. Dan was the one who always used to care for me and my emotions, he used to make me feel welcome and like non-gay loved.

     I just want my friend back.

     "No." He hissed. "Father you should-" The big guy then scolded his own daughter, but Laureline wasn't going to take no bullshit from him. Determination was in her eyes.

      Mind the age gap - she's pretty fucking badass. "No!" She shouted out for no reason. "These kind gentlemen made a deal with you. You didn't fill the deal in your end and find their friend. The deal is invalid which means Mister Kyle still owns the watch." Laureline snatched my watch out of her father's greasy paws and then rubbed the screen with her dress before handing it back to me.

     "Thank you," I nodded my head towards her. She smiled, nodding her head back. While her father bad mouths us lads, we then in silence walked out of the door. "Wait!" Laureline said before Will could walk out. We all stopped and turned around.

     "I'm coming with you-" before we could deny, her father did it for us. "If you go anywhere with these men Laureline you'll be dead to me." What the fuck?

     That was...so sick...that was her own dad? "Harsh." Woody mumbled like it was no big deal. I stomped him on his foot hard. "Father-" Laureline begged.

     "Please let me find-" he cut her off.

     "Sit back in your chair, Laureline." She shook her head with tears rolling down her fragile cheeks. "Please!" She sobbed. "Now." He demanded, pointing at her seat.

     "Meet me tonight" Laureline whispered in my ear before she pushed past her father and sat back down in the chair. I nodded my head, looking at her while her father boots us from his shop. As he did so, I couldn't help but look at the beautiful girl. She deserves so much better.

     I had to get elbowed hard in my temple by Wood so I woke up out of my daydream. I smiled at her again before he quickly yanked me out of the pharmacy and back on the porch.

     "Let's go and check the backstreets, maybe he's wandering around trying to find us or something?" Will suggested. I shrugged my shoulders back, still hypnotised by Laureline's big brown eyes. They looked like a cartoon's...so pretty.

     "Yeah." I whispered, clenching my watch tightly and remembering what Laureline whispered in my ear about meeting her tonight. "Can we have a drink or something to eat first?" I need to stall them if I wanna see Laureline tonight.

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