Chapter 14 B)

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~~~~Iridessa’s POV~~~~

Eris wasn't there anymore. I covered my mouth with hand. Where did she go? How did she just...disappear? Everyone, including Herobrine started at the spot she was in shock. 

“How?” The fish asked.

“I don’t even…” Seto said.

Herobrine whispered, “No...She can’t be from there. It’s impossible.”

I was curious to what he meant...But a familiar ring tone, shocked me even more than I already was.

Hey young blood

Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

You're wearing our vintage misery

No, I think it looked a little better on me

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

I answered the call with shaking hands, “Eris?”

“Iridessa?” Eris’s voice was shaking. “Oh my god, I-I-I don’t know what happened. I swear...I don’t even...Help?”

“Hold on...I’m going to put this on speaker…” I put speaker on. “Okay, you’re on speaker Eris.”

“Eris?” Kyle asks. He seems like he’s completely relieved about her being alive. I wonder why?

“Yeah, it’s me...Can someone please explain why I ended up in my room?”

“You respawned.” Herobrine said loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Respawned?” I imagined Eris with a confused look on her face.

“Yes.” Herobrine replied.

“How? I’m not in a video game.”

“Well, you could be from one.” Sky said. He was looking down.

~~~~Sky’s POV~~~~

“What?” Eris said disbelief in her voice. “How?...You can’t be right…”

Seto spoke up, “Eris, you said you...appeared, in your room.”

“Yeah, I appeared in my room...It’s weird my laptop and everything is still with me...Including Shade. Wow...I just realized something.”

“What?” Iridessa asked.

“That,” Eris said,”My cat and I have been through a lot of crazy things.”

Iridessa cracked a smile. “Same with Winter and I.”

I also smiled, it’s funny...They say their pets and them have been through a lot...I wonder if it matches up with my past.

“What do you mean ‘A lot’?” I asked.

Eris laughed. “ I mean that Shade saved my life when I was little.”

“What happened?” Jerome asked.

“I don’t remember it very well...I don’t really remember anything from when I was little. AKA 4 to 6 years old.”

“What? That’s like me…” I say quietly. “It’s very possible at this point.”

Herobrine looked at me, he nodded. “ Sky, your guess is right.”

“How could you tell?” I asked him.

He sighed. “I could sense something was different about her...same thing with your friends. They are from Minecraftia.”

This was a filler chapter. Please leave a comment and/ or favortie would be nice too.


By Chance (SetoSorcerer FanFic!)Where stories live. Discover now