Chapter 21- ∩0∩

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I teleported into Kyle's livingroom. I looked at my surroundings. "Nice place you got. "
"Thanks. " Kyle said distractedley.
A few moments of akward scilence later, we both looked at our still interlinked hands and quickly let go. Both of us mumbling a 'sorry. ' and blushing.
"So, uh, I gotta go now. " I say, still blushing and looking down at the floor.
" See you tomarrow?" Kyle hopefully asks me. He too was as red as a tomato.
I nod. "Yeah. You can come over at noon. Iridessa and I's school gets out early. "
Kyle smiles brightly. "Cool. See you then?"
"Yeah. Bye Kyle. " I wave.
"Bye Eris. " Kyle says and I teleport to my street. I sigh heavily. Why does Kyle act like that around me. He can't like me...Can he?
I walk home slowly. I pull out my iPhone and put my music on shuffle. The first song to play is My Demons by Starset. I mouth the words as the play. Not wanting anyone to hear me sing. I look down as I walk and bump into someone. I stumble a bit. Quickly saying sorry repeatedly.
"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." A familer voice says. I look up to see NoahCraftFTW. I felt my eyes widen.
"Your NoahCraft!" I say.
He nods.
"May I ask what your doing in Chicago?" I ask him. "I mean don't you live in Canada. "
"My dad called me a few days ago and said I had to come down to Chicago." He explained.
"That's cool. " I say. I look down and shyly say," Um, can you sign my phone case?"
"Sure. But do you have a..." He stops talking as I bring out a silver sharpie and hand it to him. He signs my phone case,handing back when he's done.
"Thank you!" I smile widely. "I can ask Deadlox and everybody else to sign it tomarrow. " I tell myself quietly then go back to normal speaking level. "Thanks again."
" No problem." He looks at his watch " I gotta go. See you around. "
"Bye. " I say and continue to walk home. I noticed that song changes to 'Hero' by skillet. Weird. I thought
~~~~Noah's POV~~~~
As I walked towards the place my father told me to meet him, I kept thinking about the people he told me about. They seem pretty odd. I'm surprised they didn't freak when my dad told them he was Herobrine.
I was so deep in my thoughts I bumped into someone. A female voice quickly said sorry over and over again.
"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. I look at the girl and the first thing I notice is her eye color. A dark black with flecks of vibrint purple. They reminded me of the endermen back home. She had a endermen hoodie on too.
She looks at me and the. Realizes who I am and small bit of surprise shows on her face. "Your NoahCraftFTW!" She exclaimed.
I noded. She went on to ask why I was here and I explained. After that she asked me to sign her phone case. When I handed it back to her I heard her say, soft enough for no normal person to hear, " I can ask Deadlox and everybody else to sign it tomarrow. "
She could be one of the girls dad was talking about!

By Chance (SetoSorcerer FanFic!)Where stories live. Discover now