~( Chapter 26 )~

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~~~~Eris's POV~~~~

I shifted I'm my bed, and snuggled closer to my pillow. Thinking of the dream that I had. I didn't remember it completely, I just remember a huge fight.

I open my eyes groggily, and looked around my room not moving my head. I saw a small bit of pink from the corner of my eyes, so I lifted my head and sat up. Turning, I saw Kyle was sleeping next I where I was...and I used him as a pillow. I looked at the clock next to my bed, '9:13 am'.

My face turn red as I realised that Kyle had probably slept next to me the whole night. I had to hurry out of the room, so I grabbed a 'Green Day' t-shirt and a new pair of jeans. (Because I was fully dressed in the clothes I was wearing yesterday.)

I took a quick shower, and noticed when the water hit my skin, it burned slightly. I get out as soon as I was clean and get dressed. As I'm brushing my hair, someone knocks of the door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's the tooth fairy." I hear Kyle say in a derpy voice.

I laugh, and speak like a small child, "But, I haven't lost any teeth."

Both Kyle and I erupt into laughter. I pull my hoodie on, and open the bathroom door. "Good morning."

"Morning." I see Kyle's eyes look over my face and hands which were a light red. "Did you burn yourself?"

I give him a deadpan look, and say sarcastically.  "Yeah, I somehow, in the 5 minutes I've been out of my room, burned my whole body. Because that's logic."

He puts a head on my shoulder and I force myself to not wince. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I smile reassuringly, and shrug of his hand. "I'm fine man. I promise."

I hear a voice in the back of my head, No, you're not.

I shake it of, it's just my subconscious...Right? I couldn’t help but think of what happened the day prior. My throat clogged up, and my eyes watered. I tried to stop myself from crying infront of Kyle, but he saw the tears before they were gone.

“What’s wrong Eris?” He asked concerned.

I stayed silent, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I couldn’t tell who came up, because my back was turned. I looked down at the ground and refused to meet his eyes. The tears came again and escaped my eyes, and my face stung even more. I whispered, “Why?”

“Why what Eris?” He asked.

“Why are you here? I saw your face last night, you were scared of me.” I say sadly. “I scared you, Seto, Iridessa...everyone! Why are you talking to me? I scared you...I scared all off you.”

A warm hand  gently cupped my face, and moved my head up. My watery eyes finally meet Kyle’s caring brown ones. He started at me, and brushed the hair out of my face. “I wasn’t scared of you. I was scared for you. You lost it because you almost lost your best friend. Eris...please, stop crying.”

A few more tears trickled down my face.  “What about the others? They were scared too…”

“I was startled.” Adam’s voice said behind me. I jumped and knocked into Kyle. I had forgotten people had come up the stairs.

Iridessa’s laughed filled the air. “Oh, I am so glad to see you get jumped scared for once.”

My face was red, not from the tears. I muttered a quick sorry to Kyle and turned to Iridessa. Almost going to hug her, but deciding against it, because I didn't like hugs all that much. Instead, I felt a huge smile appear on my face. “I forgot you were there, so it doesn't count.” I tell her.

By Chance (SetoSorcerer FanFic!)Where stories live. Discover now