3 years and 5 months

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I dated one guy all throughout high school. We didn't go to the same high school but we did go to middle school together. where it all started.... It was Parks homecoming game and I was there with a few friends and my best friend was with her boyfriend who had brought his friend with him that night. His name was Mason.. do you believe in love at first sight? I do because of this night. eventually towards the end of the night I went up to him and said Hi and we talked a little bit. I remember after the game while waiting for me step dad to pick me up, seeing his friend Dylan showing off and jumping over Masons head. A few weeks later I friended him on Facebook and he accepted it shortly after. After that we started talking everyday and I started to fall for him.  we would play 10 questions to get to know each other a little more. We didn't see each other until Parks winter formal which is were we had our first dance to the song "it will rain" by Bruno Mars. I remember when I asked him to dance he said he didn't know how to and I told him I will teach you. After that night it was a few more months before a saw him again. We went to see the movie warm bodies with a few of my friends. After that a few months later, even though it was the same day that my grandpa john passed, Mason asked me out. He sent me a really sweet message telling me that he has liked me for a while and what he liked about me. Of course I said yes, so what was a sad day turned in to one of the best days. Even though we didn't get to talk much because we went to different schools and he didn't have a cell phone, we still tried to talk everyday on messenger. later that month we got to see each other again at Parks choir concert. That night was the first night we held hands and got to talk alone for a little bit. That night we could have talked forever but I had a phone curfew and had to put my phone in the kitchen for the night. I have never felt like this with anyone before, He was my first love. we did many things that year like go to the Milwaukee zoo, carve pumpkins with my dad, go to Parks homecoming game and homecoming dance. November that year, the night before he left to go deer hunting, I went over to his house. We watched movies and talked. I left that night a little before 10pm because of curfew again but he walked me out to my moms car. I swear that night you could see all the stars in the sky, it was so beautiful. It felt so perfect being with him in his arms that night then we both looked at each other and shared our first kiss. It was magical just being there with him, under the stars and then sharing our first kiss, just made it such a perfect night. After that night it was a week before we were able to finally able to talk again. I missed I'm a lot and had so much to tell him. That year we weren't able to spend Christmas or new years together but we didn't forget about it we celebrated it a little later that year. Winter formal came around in February and I remember having to have my moms friend do my hair since my mom was out of town and I was at my dads house. My dad let me take his 2000 Dodge Intrepid RT that night (which was covered in glitter from the dress I wore that night) so I could pick mason up and go to the dance. Once we got to the dance we found my friends and hung out with them all night and danced. Maya and Mason did there dance off again too which had done every dance even at prom. Mason and I also hung out a lot at his friend Zach's house. we would have bon fires there on the weekends every so often and sit on the tailgate taking, as I took random off guard pictures of Mason. He half of my pictures on my phone were off guard pictures of him but as we looked back on them latter we would laugh about them. one of my favorite memories was when we left at 3am so we could go up to Black River Falls to see a family friend of his and put up his deer stand. It was so beautiful up there and it was unlike any view I had ever seen before. After we put up the deer stand we went and did a little off roading with the Honda CRV. I remember him trying to show off and drifting around as I was taking videos of it for him. After we did that we went on a trail and went on top of this rock. The view you could see from there was beautiful and you could see for miles, you could yell and here your echo. On our way back home that day we stopped at a cheese place to get "squeaky cheese" as he called it, in omish country, that was freshly made, and it was really good cheese. It was so cool and I'm happy I was able to experience that with him that year because it was definitely a memory I will never forget, not to mention that his parents didn't know I came with him that day. 

Mason and I had so many memories and had so much personal history together but the one thing that we had that I still haven't had with anyone else but him was a spark. He was the only person who could make me laugh and happy no matter how upset or mad I was at him or about anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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