Chapter 4

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To put it plainly, I don't get much sleep. I know that the odds of my survival are slim. I can't be a princess. I can't marry a man I don't love. I can't even act like a regular girl! For instance, right now I'm still wearing male breeches and a white button down shirt. If I can't wear a dress, then I can't be a princess. Besides, I've been nothing but trouble to Gai this whole time. There's no way he'll pick me.
I can't sleep-my brain is spinning in circles. So I open my eyes, and look to the sky. The stars are beautiful tonight-clear and bright. From in the city, the smoke and fog usually block out the all of the stars. But here-in the middle of nowhere-they shine like nobody's business

The dawn comes too early. With the sun just skimming the horizon, we are loaded in the wagon, once again, our journey begins. I lie on my back, dangling my legs off of the edge of the wagon. I close my eyes, and pray for sleep, but just like last night, it doesn't come.

"What do you think?" Kaone asks. Her voice is stuffy and hoarse-like she's been crying. I almost feel bad for her-this situation is truly awful. So I tell the truth.

"I know who I am, and I know exactly what I'm supposed to do. I don't want to live my life as a lie. I just want to be me, the rebellious, sarcastic, the thief of the streets. I don't want to be a princess" I sigh. From the corner of my eye, I see Kaone nod.

"I'm scared." Briss whispers, the only one to be voice all of our feelings.

"I'm not!" Kaone announces, almost angrily. We all know that she is lying, but I see her reasons for not voicing her fears. I share those reasons.

"I'm not either." I snort boldly. Truthfully, I'm terrified out of my mind. But the competition starts now. And it is-a competition.
It's lie or die. Time to play the game.

Around noon, when the sun is high in the sky, Gai drags us out of the open backed wagon, and points to the huge, looming mountain in front of us.

"My home is there." He says, pointing to a large stone structure on the mountain side, about a quarter of the way up.

"We'll be there within the hour!" Gai exclaims, excitement evident in his voice. I feel sick.

"Now, why don't you hop back into the wagon and we'll be off." He states. I, of course, refuse.

"I would rather walk." I suggest pointedly. Gai scowls, but I stand my ground. I am not getting back in that carriage.

Soon I find myself attached to the wagon with a long, heavy chain. I don't have any plans of running anyways, so the chain doesn't bother me. In any case, where would I go?

By the time we reach the mansion, I am drenched with sweat, and my bruised ribs are burning in a fierce pain. But I'm smiling. Why? Because Gai has a disgusted look on his face, and won't go anywhere near me. I guess it's not 'queenly' to sweat.

"Ladies-this will be your home for the next month. This is Asenhouse." He declares proudly, gesturing up at the house. Even I am shocked at the sheer size of his house. It's literally the biggest house I think I've seen in my life. It's huge! Quickly, I am unchained and we are directed inside the large oak doors.

"These are your maids. They will assist you in everything and anything. They know what they are doing, so please listen to them. Kaone and Briss, please go with Kea and Albi. And Lynx can follow Malikah. Please come to the dining room at 5 pm, for your first formal dinner. Dismissed."

Gai announces while we stumble away, following the silent maids. Eventually, I am left with a girl with dark hair and green eyes. She takes my hand, and leads me upstairs-towards a room. A hot bath is already waiting.

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