Chapter 21

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No. No!!! This isn't part of the plan. This can't happen! No! Now what?

Kaone jumps up in excitement, grinning ear to ear.

"Thank you Gai! Thank you so much! I swear I won't let you down." She says frantically. Gai tries to smile, but it looks more like  a grimace.

"Yes. Now run along. Kaone, I want you in formal dress at dinner in one hour. Lynx and Briss-you will be her servants today." He orders. I shrug my shoulders-give Gai my best angry look, and walk out coldly. Briss follows me meekly. Once we're out of ear shot, she bursts into tears.

"Now what!" She wails. I stop walking, and grab her shoulders, shaking het roughly.

"I said I wouldn't let you die, and I plan to fulfill that promise! Alright?" I tell her fiercely. She nods, too upset to answer. With Briss's violent sobs behind me, the wheels in my brain start to turn.

I need to come up with a better plan. Right now it consists of......nothing. But that's ok. I guess. I have all night to think of one. Unless Gai kills us during the night. Then I won't need a plan. If it was only my survival, then I would just escape through the tunnels in the night. But since I have Briss to look after, the chances of us escaping decrease by...well a lot. Kaone dances into the room, all smiles. She starts to speak, but I cut her off with a icy glare.

She visibly deflates.

"Oh....but you guys would be just as happy if you won! Don't shoot the messenger!" She defends herself. I roll my eyes.

"Oh please. Save it for somebody who cared Ice Witch!" I hiss, using my nickname for her from the day we met.
Hurt flashes in her eyes. But I don't care. I lie on my side facing the wall ignoring them both.

Kaone gets all dressed up. Briss and myself are completely ignored. I'm wearing a plain red tunic and black leggings. My hair is down, without any fancy braids, or anything. I'm not expecting anybody to speak to me, so when Malikah tells me that I'm wanted downstairs, I'm shocked, and slightly annoyed. I nod in confirmation and get to my feet. As I'm on my way out, she grabs my arm.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, giving my arm a comforting squeeze. Once more, I nod, before exiting the room.

Serving is less then fun. As I'm carrying a slice of cake to Kaone, I 'accidentally' trip, sending the cake flying into her. All over her face.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologize, my voice as sweet as honey. Kaone is shocked, and visibly confused, but Gai glares at me like there's no tomorrow. I make a quick escape, apologizing once more before backing out of the room. I take off running down the halls, discarding my shoes somewhere along the way. I jog to the highest tower, and slip onto the ledge. I dangle my feet in the open air, and lean my head against the frame. Something wet slides down my cheek. I wipe it away, but more fall. I don't realize that they're tears for a couple seconds. That thought is astronomical. I've don't cry. Ever. I furiously order myself to stop crying. I roughly wipe my eyes until my face is dry. I look out at the sinking sun. It may be my last sunset. I'm going to enjoy it.

I stay out there until dawn taking in the fresh mountain air. As soon as the sun touches the sky, streaking it with pink, I'm gone. I slip into my room, and pretend to have been there; sleeping the whole time.

Servants enter the room shorty after I do, making no effort to be quiet. Briss and I are worthless right now. We don't matter. We are ordered out of the room. Today, Kaone leaves for Delllea-the capital city. Where the royal family lived.

"Do you have a plan?" Briss asks me, falling in step behind me. I shrug my shoulders.
"Just follow me."

I nervously crack my fingers, bending my thumb back to touch my wrist. One of the many talents I have-I'm double jointed. My flexibility has gotten me out of many bad situations. But not this one.

Gai strides into the room with a air of arrogance.

"Mufar, once I'm gone, make sure to....Lynx what are you doing?!?" He stops speaking mid sentence to stare at me. I freeze, narrowing my eyes defensively.

"I'm sorry?" I ask cautiously. He looks at me strangely-a new light in his eyes.

"Do that thing with your thumb again." He demands. I oblige. Gai watches, then, I kid you not, literally smacks himself in the face.

"How could I have forgotten! Lynx come with me!" He orders angrily, striding out of the room. Shocked, I follow him confusedly. In his office, he turns to me, pacing around in a frenzy.

"Eadu.....she was famous for being double jointed! She showed off every chance she got! The Seatadors....heck, the people will be suspicious eventually if the Queen isn't double jointed. Please-you need to be the princess! You're the only one who can!" Gai turns to me, pleading. I raise one eyebrow, not convinced. On the exterior, I am stone. On the inside though, I'm jumping for joy.

"Please! I'll do anything!" He begs desperately. I smirk.

"Fine. I'll do it. All I want is Kaone and Briss to come with me. They are not to be killed. Promise me." I state. Gai growls, but agrees.

"You are Lynx no longer. From now on, you are princess of Fayria. "

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