Chapter 25

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Just like that, my day got better. Kissing a cute boy does that to you I guess. But before I have a chance to even think, Mufar walks into the room. He smirks when he sees me in close proximity to Derrin.

"Looks like you've been taken care of then," He laughs, a smug look on his face. I stick out my tongue at Mufar as I step away from Derrin. I sit back down on the chair, holding the ice to my bruised cheek

The door flies open, and Kaone and Briss stumble into the room followed by Gai. He greets me like nothing just happened. Like he didn't just hit me-threaten me and everybody close to me.
I narrow my eyes menacingly at him. He ignores my hard gaze and begins speaking.

"In exactly five hours, the Council of the Seatadors will begin, thus where I will make my case. The story is that 'Eadu' came to me, begging for help immediately after the royal family died." Gai states. I pretend to pay attention. His plan isn't going to work.

"Then I will present you. We have all the facts about Eadu. The Seatadors will be forced to accept you, since they have no charge against you. Nobody knows more about Eadu then I." Gai brags. I roll my eyes.

"How? You said you hadn't met her." I shoot at him harshly. Gai just chuckles.

"I have Queen Ebony's diary right here as a matter for a fact." He laughs, handing me a worn leather book. I let myself run a finger over it gently. This was my mothers. I turn the pages slowly, reading. My name comes up a lot in there. I guess I wasn't as much as a disappointment as I thought.

Dear Diary
Again I must share the events of today, concerning no other then my darling daughter Eadu. She turned 9 last week, and is at the stage when she thinks that she can do everything her older brother Mithil can just as well. She hates the layers upon layers of dress we must wear. In that aspect, she takes after her mother. So with or without the help of Mithil, (still to be determined) Eadu took her brothers clothes, and wore them around the city, pretending to be a common boy thief of the streets. When my husband Lochlan found out she was missing, he was furious. He ordered every spare servant out to find her. Eventually they found her, and dragged her back to the castle. When Lochlan confronted her about her days events, she became sarcastic-saying that she was out for a stroll, as a proper royal. In the end, Lochlan stormed out, and I was left in charge of her punishment. I couldn't find it in my heart to punish her too severely though. My dear girl is so smart. She can always make me laugh. I think she pulls those crazy stunts for attention. That's the only time her father will ever really speak to her. And also maybe because the people expect her too. They expect Eadu to be a wild child. Royals must be the expectations of the people. I am expected to be quiet, so that is who I must be while I would much rather be crazy and spontaneous. In some ways, I envy my daughter. She gets to be herself-to be free while my real self is trapped inside a cage. I love her so much sometimes it hurts. I know Lochlan does too. I hope someday she can realize that.
Yours truly

Those last couple sentences almost make me tear up a little. I miss my mother. But I can't help but giggle-remembering that day. I had stolen the clothes from Mithil, and then I had run around town, playing with the street boys, eating stale bread, and getting all dirty. In the end I was caught and literally dragged back to my angry father. We screamed at each other until I yelled that I wish I was one of those boys. My father stormed out after that. I truly regret my words now. But my mother was right about the expectations. I was expected to be the wild child, so I wasn't afraid to cause trouble. I wonder what the people will expect now, when I return to the throne tonight.
For the next four hours, Gai drills me on my facts, my story. I needlessly memorized those things. I would write my own script tonight. We get in the carriage and head towards the castle when there's little over a hour to go. I'm starting to get slightly nervous. What if they don't accept me or my story? What if I fail?

We arrive at the castle with barely enough time to spare. There's a long line of carriages waiting to be given admission to the council. Most of the carriages go through, but a couple are turned back. I crane my head to see a girl my age with long blonde hair, all dressed up, wiping away tears as she drives away. I guess Gai wasn't the only one with the idea of presenting a false princess at the meeting tonight. This puts me even more on edge.
The guard stops us as we pull up.

"My name is Gai Fynn. I'm a Seatador." Gai says, nervously handing the guard his official documents. The guard checks a box on his paper.

"You can go through. But your companions must stay behind." He decrees hostilely. Gai starts to argue, but the guard shushes him.

"I said no!" He roars and Gai backs away meekly. I tap Gai on the shoulder as the carriage turns away.

"Go ahead without me." I whisper. Gai turns his glare upon me. He again starts to argue, but I shush him once more with my finger.

"I know another way in."

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