Chapter 7

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"Enjoy your little walk with Derrin?" Briss speaks from out of the darkness. I freeze. How is she up? She shouldn't be up!

"What are you talking about?" I lie smoothly. I give myself a mental high five for that lie-it was flawless if I do say so myself.
She sits up and gives me a piercing look, so unlike Briss it makes me uncomfortable.

"Oh Lynx. You are so gullible! People often underestimate me. Who ever would of thought that the sweet innocent girl with no chance of becoming a princess could actually fight back? I'm not that girl Lynx. But everybody believes that I'm sweet and naive. But that's ok. You see, I have plans. Plans to be chosen by Gai, and become the Queen one day. I'm going to have it all. You and Kaone? You have no chance." She sneers, all the while still giving me the intense look. I cock my head in confusion.

"Thank you for sharing, but what in the world does that have to do with me or Derrin?" I ask. She laughs. Not the sweet girly laugh I'd become accustomed to, but a harsh, cold laugh that scares the living day lights out of me.

"Can't you see? Are you so dumb you can't even realize!? You're Gai's favourite! If you keep this up, then you're going to be chosen! Kaone's too bossy and prickly, and Gai just doesn't like me, although I don't know why-I'm charming! But that's beside the point. I'm going to bring you down! You're not supposed to be out walking at night-especially with a servant boy! And your assuredly not supposed to be kissing a servant boy!" She cackles. I can feel the blood drain from my face as I understand what Briss is trying to say.

"We didn't kiss!" I whisper. She smirks, a harsh smile spreading across her sweet face.

"Oh please-I could hear everything. Imagine what would happen if Gai found out-Derrin would certainly be punished. Maybe even...executed." She suggests.

"Why would you do this? He's your friend!" I gasp. She can't do this-it must be a sick joke!!!! That's right-it's a joke. It must be. Briss can't be mean like this-she's to nice!

"I want to be more then friends. With him. Here's my deal. I won't tell Gai about your and Derrin's nighttime adventures, but you have to stop winning! Downplay all your abilities. Also you have to stop speaking, or making any sort of contact whatsoever with Derrin. If you talk to him-I'll know. If you do, I might accidentally forget that we had a deal and go tell Gai. He will believe me-poor, sweet, innocent me who would never tell a lie."

My heart sinks. I know what she says is true. In order to protect the only person I may care about-my only friend in the world, I must pretend I don't care about him. How ironic is that?

I grasp at straws, trying to comprehend what Briss is saying.

"He's my friend!" I protest. Briss begins to rise from her bed, making a dramatic show of stretching and yawning.

"Wait!" I shriek. Briss looks expectantly at me, her eyebrows raised.

"I'll do it! Just...don't tell Gai!" I desperately demand. Briss smiles, her innocent smile returning.

"Glad we agree!" Briss climbs back into her bed.

'Yea', I murmur to myself, turning to face the wall.

This can't be happening......this can't be happening....

The next morning when I wake up, Briss is already almost dressed.

"Morning Lynx! Would you mind tying my bow?" She greets me cheerfully. She is acting like her normal self again. It almost makes me think that last night was just a dream. I wordlessly lean forward to tie her sash. As I do, Briss turns to me and hisses.

"Ready to act? If you talk, I'll know."

Definitely not a dream.

My blood runs cold. Briss giggles and smiles sweetly at me. I want so badly to hit her-wipe that smirk of her face. But I can't. For the sake of everybody, I can't.

I silently turn and get dressed.

At breakfast, we are instructed in the arts of holding our knives and forks. But I can't pay attention. All I can think about is Briss's threat. About her promise. And about the consequences.

I eat like a robot-lifting my arm to my mouth and down again mindlessly. Lessons are a blur. Come lunch, I'm not even pretending to listen anymore. I can't hear anything but a strange buzzing in my ears. But I do recognize the sound of food being brought into the room.
Food is music to my ears.
I look up listlessly, to see Derrin approaching me with a tray.
Just my luck.
He meets my eyes, but the second I see him looking at me I look away. He places the tray in front of me and bows.

"Are you ok?" He whispers while bowing. At that moment, all I want to do is break my oath and speak to him. But I can't. I look at him, and then at Briss who has a little smirk on her face.

Someday, I pray Derrin will forgive me.
I don't speak, but just begin to eat.
I think he realizes that something is off, because he frowns, still bent over where nobody can see him.

"Meet me tonight." He murmurs, before leaving. I don't acknowledge him, but I shoot a glare at Briss, who is unsuccessfully trying to hide a grin. I grip my knife tightly, and mime throwing it. At her face.
I think she notices, because she quickly turns away. Good.  Briss should be more careful who she messes with.

All afternoon, there's only two sentences I hear.

"Lynx what's wrong with you? You did so well yesterday!"

By dinner, I'm so frustrated, that I feel like if anyone asks how I'm doing, they are going to need a doctor. Or maybe a team of doctors. Or (depending on the person) a gravestone. I pick at my food, and practically run from the hall as soon as I'm able.
I change into my nightgown and lie awake until midnight. Briss quietly slips out of our room at a quarter to. At midnight, the bells chime throughout the castle. With each bong, I feel worse.

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