Chapter 11

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When I walk into my room later, Briss is lying on her bed talking, and Kaone is at the oak desk reading. I clear my throat in the doorframe. Why not make a grand entrance? I deserve it. They both look up. Kaone's face lights up, with actual happiness.

"Lynx! It's great to see you!" She smiles genuinely, as she stands up from the squeaky desk chair. As expected, Briss looks less then excited.

"We thought you were dead." She states. I can't help but smile wickedly.

"Outta luck today ladies." I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. Briss just rolls her eyes. Without further adu, I take a step into the room, and almost immediately stumble. I guess I'm not as strong yet as I think I am.
Story of my life.
Kaone grabs my arm and steady's me, huffing in annoyance. I ease myself onto the bed, and lean back against the pillows.

Malikah walks in abruptly, without knocking.

"Master Fynn isn't pleased with you." She lectures me. I roll my eyes, and sigh.

"I'm not happy with him either. Anyway, what do you think?" I ask. I look up at her , and see her trying not to smile.

"I think that you are very brave, and amusing. Stupid maybe, but brave." She states, giving in and grinning a wide, toothy grin. I smile in content, and close my eyes.

"That's what I'm shooting for."

The next morning Gai summons all three of us down to the dining hall.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Lynx. I hope you enjoyed your stay in our complimentary dungeons." Gai smirks, shooting me a wicked smile. I give him a look.

"Very much so. We should do it again sometime." I sneer coldly. He infuriates me. Gai chuckles, and waves me off.

"Anyway ladies, this is a very important day for us. It's the day we've been waiting for. Tonight, the King and Queen along with their son Mithil, will be staying the night here, at Asenhouse. I will portray you as my long lost daughters. Your mother was a Echidninarian princess, who raised you without my knowing, until I found you. If all goes well, like it should, the king will agree to betroth his son to one of you. And Faiyria will be saved!" He shouts gleefully. He gives us a moment for the news to sink in, before continuing his speech.

"So, what I'm telling you is to not screw up. This could save Faiyria! This could change your lives. This could change my life! Be on your very best behaviour. Act like the princesses you could become. Remember your lessons. Or else.
Now go get ready. They arrive in two hours." Gai finishes looking at us all sternly. With a wave of his hand, we are dismissed. Silently we walk out of the hall.

Each of us is lost in our own thoughts as we stroll back to our bedroom. We were; we are orphans. Yet we have the chance to become a princess. A queen one day! We would never be hungry again. People would actually know our name. Every little girl dreams of becoming a princess, and we actually may become one.
It's mind blowing.

The whole day is literally spent getting ready for dinner. I am scrubbed down so hard I'm sure all the dirt plus a couple layers of skin have been stripped from my body. My remaining skin is pink and tingly. After my bath, a scented cream smelling of lilacs is slathered all over my body. It soothes my raw body. It also proves to be very amusing when Malikah try's to slip a corset on my slick body. Every time she pulls the strings tight, the corset pops off my torso. Her face turns a different colour of red with every attempt. It makes me laugh every time. It just proves my theory that you can make everything funny. Eventually (with the help of several others) she manages to get me in the corset and it doesn't slip. Malikah yanks the strings with a new fury, making me gasp for air. Corsets suck. When it's all done up, it's difficult to draw complete breaths.
Oh the joys of being a woman.

My hair is brushed until it shines, then styled into a perfect updo. Blonde curls hang by my face, and not a hair is out of place. A dress is slipped over my body, and makeup is caked on my face. When I look at myself in the mirror, I don't recognize myself. That definitely isn't me. Because I'm wearing a blood red dress, flowing down my body in a rich silk. My blue eyes shine under thick dark eyelashes, and light blue eyeshadow on my eyelids, which shouldn't look good, but it does.

Nope, definitely not me.
I don't look like a girl that just spent three days in the dungeon.
But Malikah works magic I swear.

I walk up to Kaone. She greets me and begins to chat about the most random things. It's weird. We started this journey hating each other. But we've grown closer over the past couple of weeks. It's a unlikely friendship, but it's the one of only real friendships I've ever had besides Derrin. He doesn't count though. One thing I like about Kaone, though, is that she is completely honest. She doesn't lie. Ever. It nice knowing somebody isn't lying to you.

We sit on my bed, talking until Malikah comes in and shoo's us away off of the bed, complaining about wrinkles of something. I stand up and walk out the door.
Well, try to walk out. My skirts are so large that I have to turn sideways and waddle through the door. I hear laughter behind me as I squeeze through the door and pop out the other side.
Stupid dress. Stupid skirt. Stupid door.

I stride through the mansion, heading directly towards the grand hall. I wait outside the double doors, wringing out my hands in nervous anticipation. Then I hear it.

"Presenting Lady Lynx from the house of Fynn."
I throw a panicked look at Malikah, who gives me a gentle shove. I can't do this! I'm frozen. I'm about to meet the King. THE KING! And the Queen of course.

Malikah gives me a harder push frowning at me.

That's the last thing I see before I burst through the doors.

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