Chapter 12

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With a loud shout, I burst through the doorway. Immediately, all talking ceases, and every eye lands on me. I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, staining them scarlet.
I have to do something. Fast.
So I smile and curtesy graciously. Then I hold my head up high as I stride to my seat. I feel Gai's accusing eyes on me as I walk to the table. As I sit down in between Briss and Kaone, the doors open once more, and waiters carrying steaming plates of food waltz in.

The amount of food served is astounding. I want to gulp down everything I see, but I have just enough self control left to restrain myself. The Queen on the other hand, picks at her food-only eating enough so as not to be rude. She is absolutely gorgeous with curly black hair, porcelain skin, and big blue eyes. Her husband and son on the other hand, are tall and fair with stick straight blonde hair. The contrast between the three of them is night and day. The Queen catches me watching her and gives me a warm smile. I smile weakly in response, then avert my eyes, and turn my attention back to my food.

As the evening drags on, I sit quietly and ladylike just like Gai taught us to. He is talking; chatting even with the King and Queen, brown nosing with the best of them. Mithil catches my eye. He smiles kindly, rolling his eyes at Gai. It is so amusing, I can't help but grin back at him. We exchange a silent conversation with our eyes. His seem to say.
"This guys a idiot like the rest of them."

I stifle laughter, clasping my hand over my mouth to hide my large smile.

"Tell me about it. I have to live with him!"

He laughs-loud and booming; and the table falls silent. Again, I feel the heat rushing to my face, so I bow my head, and stare at my dinner.

I chew my lip in anxiety. I must be making such a bad impression. Story of my life.

"Excuse me, what is your name again dear?" A voice rings out, breaking the silence. It takes me a moment to realize the voice is directed towards me. I look up. The queen is staring directly at me, waiting for my response with a raised eyebrow.

"I apologize milady. My name is Lynx....m'am." I add as an afterthought. For a tense second, the queen just stares at me. Then her face breaks out into a kind smile.

"Please darling-call me Ebony." She says, nodding graciously. My eyes widen.

"Thank you...Ebony." I stutter. Gai is shooting me death glares, so I turn back to my food. But the queen isn't quite done with me yet.

"You know Lynx? I like you. You remind me very much of myself when I was younger. What did you say your full name was?" She asks me, scrutinizing me closely. I meet her eyes boldly.

"My full name is Lynx Jade of the house of Fynn." I lie smoothly.

"Well....Lynx Jade of the house of Fynn, it's been my great honour to meet you. I would like to talk furthur. Perhaps a ride after dinner?" The Queen asks cordially. Gai looks between myself and the queen, little pig eyes frantically searching for an escape.

"My Queen! I'm sure that won't be-" He starts, but the queen interrupts.

"Nonsense I insist. I think we are finished here. Come along Lady Lynx." She abruptly stands, and I have no choice but to follow her out of the hall.

We don't speak until we have ridden our horses far into the trees; far, far away from the mansion. We gallop past a clearing with a stream flowing through it, and then slow to a canter by the river.

"Stop here." Queen Ebony commands. I dismount my horse. Once our horses are tied to a tree, I turn to face her. She rushes at me and embraces me. I wrap my arms around her in return, and breathe in the familiar scent.

"My daughter." Queen Ebony murmurs.

"Mother." I breathe.

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