The Runaway Queen Excerpt

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Being a Queen really isn't all it's cracked up to be.
For instance, right now I'm hiding in my private gardens to get away from it all. By it all, I mean the suitors. The men that the council thinks are fit to be kings one day. In other words, they're picking my husband for me. After all, you just can't marry a orphan who worked at a servant and is currently a nobleman for no rhyme or reason. So my best friend Derrin is off limits.
All the suitors are in the castle, eating and being interviewed at a luncheon that I'm supposed to be present at. Which, obviously, I'm not at. I have no interest in those pathetic excuses for men. They just sit around all day getting drunk, along with farting and belching. A couple of them aren't bad-nice even-but I don't want them as my husband. My heart belongs to somebody else.
These past couple months since my coronation, I've been pretty busy. Organizing my family's funerals, attending the funerals, organizing the country, ect. Briss has become one of my closest friends. When I was at Asenhouse, I wished for a real friend I could confide in. Briss is that friend. She's so loyal to me, and Faiyria. Derrin has been working on his swordplay. He's a natural. I'm not kidding-one day he just picked up a sword and swung it like he was born with it. Sometimes we practice fight together, myself with Ignis-my knife, and Derrin with his sword. It's usually a long and intense battle. The victor varies from day to day.
Mufar is dedicated to becoming my official nursemaid/protector/friend. Right now, he and Briss are scouring the countryside for Kaone. There's no word on her. Sometimes I wonder where she is. She must of heard I'm the real Eadu by now. I wonder what she thinks of me. Oh and Gai? He's rotting in the dungeon. He destroyed my life twice. The first time hiring people to kill me, the second time killing my family. I could happily lock him away in the dungeon forever. Also, I had another knife made for me which I call Fortis. When I was battling Kaone for the throne, I found it was more efficient to fight with a knife in each hand.
I climb the garden walls, scaling the mossy stone quickly. The wall's are easily 25 feet tall, but to me, it's like climbing a small fence. I've climbed these walls since I was five. This is practically easier then breathing.
I find the spot I always go to when I'm trying to hide. There's a tall tree not far from where I climbed up. It allows you to see who's coming, but they can't see you unless they know where to look.
Just as I'm thinking that, the door leading into the garden opens. I frown, confused. Everybody should be at the dinner with the suitors. And almost nobody is allowed in my private gardens. That's when I see the hint of silver flashing in the evening light. I sit very quietly, not moving. I know now who the person is. A assassin is hiding in my garden.
I immediately come up with a plan. I draw Ignis from the double sheath at my waist. Then I grab hold of a tree branch next to me. The assassin is crouched under the tree that I'm swinging on. If they look up, they'll see me. But they don't know I'm here. They think I'm at the dinner. If I had a choice of at the suitor's dinner, or here-fighting for my life, personally I'd rather be here.
I move quietly from branch to branch until I'm directly above the assassin. Then I shimmy down the trunk of the tree until I'm about halfway to the ground. I take a deep breath, and let go of the branch.
I land on the back of my assassin. They screech and tumble to the ground, sending me flying. I jump to my feet just as the person rolls, knocking me back to the ground again. I fumble for my knives, trying to get ahold of them. I spring to my feet again, fiercely fighting my opponent. I'm winning. I've got them pushed against the wall. I slam the butt of Fortis against their forehead, and the assassin collapses.

One for Eadu, zero for assassin. Or assassins I guess I should say. Because at the very moment I reach my hand up to scratch my head, a rope flys around my neck and is pulled tight.
It's lucky that my hand is already at my throat, buying me some air. I launch up into the air, slamming my foot into the gut of the second assassin. They yank the rope, sending me to my knees, gasping for breath. I try to get up, but they slice my left arm. Warm blood trickles down my sleeve as I glare up at the assassin. During the struggle, their black mask came off. I study the person that's going to kill me. Long curly blonde hair, blue eyes. I gasp in recognition. She's slightly taller then the last time I saw her, and I don't recognize the fierce look in her eyes.

"You know, I never thought you'd have to resort to trickery and a rope to beat me Kaone." I hiss. She just laughs a cruel laugh that makes me shiver.
"You cheated. I should of won." She says. I roll my eyes.
"You can't cheat in a battle to the death." I scold her. It's her turn to roll her eyes.
"Whatever. I'm not here to kill you. I'm giving you a message from the Amazons. You have ten days to surrender yourself to us. Or else we'll come find you. And I swear, every man, woman, or child that stands in our way will be slaughtered." She hisses. I smirk.
"Tell you what. I'll give the Amazons nine days to surrender to me." I say.
Kaone laughs again.
"Good luck with that. The Amazons are determined to finish what they started four years ago. Killing you." She snarls.
Before I have time to take it in, Kaone slams the handle of her knife into my head, rendering me temporarily unconscious.

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