Chapter 20

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I actually never thought that I'd reach over 8000 reads. The number grows every day. You guys have been the most supportive, amazing, best readers in the world. I've received absolutely no bad feedback and some really sweet comments. I wish I could list every name in here, but then I'd never get to the story and you guys would get bored. So to those people that vote on every chapter, and those that tell me that I should keep writing-well just to everybody that's been supporting me, thank you. (You know who you are)
The rest of this book is dedicated to you. Thanks for making me smile.
(Oh and by the way, the next book is called The Runaway Queen! It comes out in the fall!)


Gai calls us all together that afternoon. This is it. This is the moment when he names his princess. I try to hide my anxiety by gritting my teeth, and fiercely scowling. I can't let him see how nervous I really am. Even though I'm actually the real deal, I'm still terrified out of my mind.
We wait outside his office against the wall slumped on the floor.  Mufar steps outside.

"Lynx, Gai would like to talk to you." He says without emotion. I bite my lip and nod, clenching my fists together. This is it.

I stand up, and enter the room.

Gai sits there, in a tall, leather chair, wearing scowl that could rival my own.

"Sit." He commands brusquely.  Automatically my knees buckle and I sit heavily into the chair.

"Lynx, I like you. I think you're the best choice for my Eadu. You've got the most similar personality. Briss is too sweet and Kaone is stiff. But don't think I won't hesitate to choose one of those two." He threatens me, leaning forward in the chair.

"Where are you going with this?" I mumble through gritted teeth. I guard my emotions closely. The elation at being the most likely choice, and terror that I might not be chosen. The terror however, is winning out.

"Look-with Briss and Kaone, I know they'll listen and let me make the decisions. But you? You're a wild card. I don't know if I can trust you. Can I trust you? Be honest." He asks me, staring at me intently. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Of everything he could ask, he had to ask the one question I don't have a answer to.

I run my hands through my hair, making it stand on end.
"I'll be a fair and good queen, and certainly listen to your decisions, but I'm not going to kiss up to you, and I'm certainly not going to be your puppet if that is what you are asking."
I decide, fighting desperately to remain calm. I grip the edge of the desk tightly.
I should have lied to him. I should have told him what he wants to hear.

Gai looks at me, and the disappointment is clear on his face.

"Is that what you have to say?" He says quietly. He's giving me a chance to change my statement. Change your answer Eadu....change it now!
But I don't. Fearfully I shake my head. He sighs and walks to the door, calling Briss and Kaone. They come in-both looking miserable.

"Ladies, I've made my decision. Kaone-you will be my princess."

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