Part 3: Never Alone Again

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Rey noticed pale blue dress on her body. It was soft and silky on her skin, a far too delicate thing for the likes of her and so very different to what she normally wore. But he was there. It felt as if she had been waiting for him for so long. Now that he had arrived, everything seemed so much better. Not that she could truly see him clearly; it was as if he was out of focus, like a mirage in the heat. She didn't care. Rey stepped eagerly into his arms, burying her face in his shoulder. Rey could feel his arms wrap gently around her, his hands caressing her tenderly, gently exploring her shoulders, her back, down to the curve of her hip. She closed her eyes as she felt him warm and close, his narrow chin coming to rest on the top of her head. Rey smiled. She had forgotten how tall he was. She felt his head move, resting on its side now as he drew her in as close as he could. Rey should have felt suffocated. Yet, all she felt was loved. The truth was, she would do anything to never feel alone again.

Rey smiled to herself as she felt him lift his head off of the top of her head. She kept her eyes closed as she savoured the touch of his fingers, brushing the base of her neck. She shivered with delight when they moved to her chin, gently raising it upward. As his head dropped to her throat, Rey felt herself gasp aloud as his lips found the hollow above her collar bone. A line of kisses traced a line up her neck, gentle and soft until they came to rest on her lips. Once there, his lips barely brushed over hers at first, making her yearn all the more for him. Then, gradually, they grew in force and intensity. Rey kissed him back with equal passion. This was the man she wanted. This was the man she shared a bond with. He was truly the only one that could understand her and the gift they shared.

The kiss stopped. Rey had never been so happy. She opened her eyes. She had half expected the man holding her to be Finn. But that was silly; he was not nearly tall enough. Yet the face that looked down with her with love and tenderness filled Rey with horror. She saw the thick, dark hair framing his face. She saw his pale skin and his long face, with its prominent nose and a diagonal scar that ran from left to right. The coal black eyes that had caught her gaze in that interrogation room. Was it already six months ago? They looked down at her, admiring. A smile was playing at the corners of his mouth. It could not be him.

"No!" Rey screamed. She pushed Kylo Ren away with all her might.

"Rey?" his voice, deep and resonant, was filled with hurt.

Somewhere, not far away from her, someone else repeated her name, like an echo. With the sound came the distinct impression that she was not alone. It was almost like she was stepping from one dream, where she was at the mercy of the images, and into another where she had control. The dream-figure of Ren had already disappeared. She glanced down at the pale blue gown and concentrated. It was almost instantly replaced with her normal, pale grey-blue attire.

"I know you're here!" She called out.

"What was it you said, Rey?"

The now familiar voice made Rey jump. She turned on her heel to find Kylo Ren standing directly behind her. "When I said what?" Rey said, taking a few steps away.

"The last time we 'met' like this. I was a 'foul creature' with 'vile fantasies'." Ren sneered. "Something along those lines, anyway...Rey."

Rey knew her face was glowing red with embarrassment. "Dreams are subconscious."

Ren smiled, beginning to walk around Rey in ever narrowing circles. "Not quite so comfortable, is it? Knowing that I can feel what you're feeling, when you feel it...Rey."

Rey turned on her heel to keep facing Ren. "Why are you repeating my name?"

Ren's smile widened, slightly.

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