Part 9: Being Torn Apart

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When Rey looked up from his chest, only a moment later, they were no longer in the icy, snowy, forest. Once more, they were on the wide marble terrace with the full moon high in the sky. She felt a light summer breeze against her skin, warming her after the cold of Star-killer base. Rey felt the weight of Ren's head lift off of her head. His gloves were soon cast aside. His touch on her face with one hand was hesitant, as if fearing that she would pull away any moment. It tickled slightly. As Rey put her hand over his, to reassure him, a slight smile flickered at the corners of his mouth. Ren's hands fell to her shoulders, and then down along each arm, all the while, his dark eyes on her. Rey sensed that he did not entirely trust her.

Ren's hands took hold of her upper arms, drawing Rey close in to him. The kiss was gently at first, gradually growing in intensity and passion. Rey found herself awash not only with her own feelings, but with Ren's as well. Her heart raced as she felt his hands explore the contours of the muscles of her arms down to her hands and back again. This was a kiss for once, not dreamt, not stolen and not resisted. When Ren finally pulled his lips away from hers, Rey did not want him to stop. Her hands ran up over his chest, up behind his neck, drawing him to her once more before Rey rested her head once more on his chest feeling utterly content.

Ren was struck by the feeling of peace that holding Rey brought. There was no fighting, no arguing. The crushing loneliness that he had always known was gone. For the first time, he knew that Rey was not afraid of him. He could feel her nestle comfortably on his chest, one hand gently resting over his heart, where his heart ached at the touch and beat ever harder. She would not pull away and run from him. Anger and suspicion tried to rise within him; she would draw him away from the darkness and into the light. However, these emotions felt as if they belonged to someone else, prodding and goading him, trying to confuse him. Ren ignored it. With Rey in his arms, Ren didn't care. It was just the two of them, the way things were meant to be.

For a brief moment, Ren let her go. But it was only to sit down almost at the edge of the broad terrace. He reached up and took her hand, drawing her in to sit close beside him. Rey surprised him, when she sat facing him, her hands going straight to his face and caressing his jaw line. As her fingers of one hand brushed over the scar on his face, Ren tried to turn that side away. He didn't want to think of the damage that she had inflicted. But Rey had other ideas. Gently, she shook her head, coaxing him to turn his face back. He obliged. Ren was rewarded as Rey drew in close and kissed him tenderly on the scar. As he felt her lips brush against the scar, Ren felt his heart ache. Playfully, Rey touched her nose lightly against his. Once more, he felt the soft touch of her lips as she kissed him softly. Ren drew her in close in his arms, once more kissing her passionately. As Ren lay back, Rey joined him, nestling in close on one side, her head resting on his shoulder. For a few moments, they looked up at the stars together.

"I wonder where this place is...if it actually exists..."Rey asked.

"I don't really care." He answered, kissing her lightly on the forehead. "Somewhere you or I dreamt up...Does it really matter?"

"I just wish there wasn't quite so much marble." She laughed.

Ren found himself smiling. From his imagination he conjured up a comfortable, blue cushion. It appeared behind his head.

"Only one?" Rey sounded a little disappointed as she lifted herself up to look him in the eye.

Ren smiled again. "You have me to rest on."

"Oh really?" Rey's voice was slightly sarcastic, the warmth of her smile softening the sting from her arched eyebrow. Then her smile slowly faded. She rested back on one elbow beside his head, freeing up her right hand. Ren closed his eyes as she lightly brushed his hair away from his face. He felt her fingertips lightly run an outline over his eyebrows, down the bridge of his nose to touch his lips once more.

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