Part 5: Under the Shadow

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When Kylo Ren felt the hot sun belting down on his thick black clothing and felt his heavy black boots sink into the gritty red sand, he knew that Rey would not be far away. He had lain down in his quarters to sleep only minutes before. Now he was once more on the desolate planet Jakku. He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. In the distance he could see the sand hills all about littered with dead ships. A Star-destroyer, numerous tie-fighters and other identifiable remains, lumps of metal half covered with the persistent sand.

"I know this is your home-world...or the nearest thing you have to one." He muttered, almost as if to himself. "But do you have to make it quite so realistic?"

"I didn't bring us here."

Ren smiled a little, glad to hear the sound of Rey's voice. He dropped the warmth from his expression before he turned to face her. Rey was dressed much the same as she had when he had first seen her, the girl who was just a scavenger. But now there was a confidence in her walk, a manner in her bearing as she walked through the sand toward him. She was growing in strength as a force-user. He could feel that much of her. But she was not a Jedi yet. Hope filled his heart, though he tried his best to crush it to nothing. It was better to live without hope; only then was it possible to live without disappointment.

"Neither did I." he replied.

"Then why are we here?" Rey asked, stopping in her step, just tantalizingly and frustratingly, just out of reach.

Ren shrugged. "I was hoping you would tell me."

Rey looked about. "They are changing, aren't they...the dreams."

"They are certainly warmer." Ren remarked. He sat down on the hot sand.

Rey looked askance at him, frowning deeply.

"In the sense of the temperature...if not the company?" He offered further.

This seemed to satisfy her. Rey sat down, still several feet away from him, still just out of reach.

"They are becoming more realistic." Rey observed. "The heat...the sand...It is all exactly as I remember. I have never known a dream to feel this...real."

"It isn't a vision...not like the last time we were like this."

Rey's cheeks reddened. Ren doubted that it was from the heat.

"Perhaps there is something that we can only see here?" Rey asked, abruptly avoiding the subject.

"You do remember the last time we were dreaming together?" Ren reminded her.

"...Something...something the force wants us to see..." Rey ignored him.

"...You turned to the dark became 'Frey'..." Ren persisted.

"...something that changes one or both of us..."

" were so powerful..."

"...effects the future...our destiny..."

" one could have defeated you, not even my Uncle..."

"...maybe something that ends this..."

"I thought you looked beautiful." He muttered, in a low voice.

Though it was the quietest thing that he said, it was the one thing that seemed to get her attention. Her head turned quickly toward him. In her eyes, he could see the confusion, the struggle inside writ plain on her face. Then her head turned sharply away, her brown eyes finding the sand in at her feet quickly. She was so embarrassed, that she could not look him in the eye. He almost smiled. Perhaps seducing her to the dark-side would be easier than he thought.

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