Part 7: The New Path

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For days after the dream, Rey could feel an almost constant presence at the edge of her mind and not just when she slept. It was a heavy sensation at the back of her head even there during the day. Training was hard enough, with her Master always demanding the highest levels of concentration. Now, there was added pressure. By the end of each day, Rey was beyond exhausted. She had tried to explain to Master Luke the trouble she was having. But her master showed little sympathy.

"Concentrate and block out that part of your mind" was all he would say.

It was the only thing Rey seemed to hear from him these days. The first explanation he had given had made it seem so simple, like the creation of a mental shield within your mind. The master made use of this technique all the time. It was how he had hidden from his sister for so many years.

"Create in your mind a mental wall, brick by brick. It will be difficult at first, but over time, it will strengthen. It will keep your...unwelcome guest...apart from yourself."

Hours of meditation, the building of the wall in her mind, visualizing the part of her mind that Ren was linked to and putting it to one side, however, had been of little use. The sensation was still there. If anything, it was getting stronger and stronger with each passing day. This was neither the kindly, blonde Jedi nor that of the younger, warmer Ben Solo that had taken up residence. Master Luke might well be able to block out any link he shared with a loving sister and mute their connection. But this evil spectre lurking at the back of her mind was not benign, but malevolent, taking direct aim at her mind, trying to encourage her anger and enlarge her fears. It was a dark presence that perched, chipping away at her mind and her very soul. Rey began to feel desperate. Even with all his experience, her master could only suggest fighting the constant pull into darkness. Keeping in the middle road, as her master wished, felt almost impossible.

Now, alone once more in her small, stone hut, her head aching with the effort of keeping up a screen between her and the darkness, Rey tried to settle her mind with some breathing exercises. There was a slight easing of the darkness. Rey relaxed for the first time in days.


The sound of Ren's voice made Rey jump in alarm. Or was it Ben? Rey's eyes flicked open immediately. It had sounded as if he were sitting next to her in the room. But all she could see was the beaten earth floor of her hut, the rock lined hearth in the centre and the stone bench that she used as a bed.



I'm not sure myself. I am in meditation.

"Please leave me alone." She begged, feeling desolate. Rey tried her hardest to shut him out.


"Am I to have no peace?"

I don't understand.

"You've been on the edge of my mind for days." Rey felt her eyes begin to brim with tears. "I have felt you there, like a dark fog that seeps into every waking moment..."

I have felt it as well. A bright light, boring into my soul...

"I am so tired..."

Then sleep. We can be closer together if we sleep. I can hold you...

Ren's voice seemed so soft, warm and caring. For a few moments, Rey felt herself wanting to drift off, to be with him.

That's it. Sleep. We will be together. Let the darkness fold over both of us.

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