Part 4: Destiny or Dream?

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Ren recognised almost immediately that he was experiencing another shared dream with Rey. He tried to remember the advice of Leader Snoke.

'Use the connection: draw her to us'.

But this time the dream was most unsettling. As Ren looked down he found he was dressed in the pale cream and dark brown robes of a Jedi. Was it his dream, or hers that he was experiencing? It was impossible to tell. Ren concentrated tried to alter the offensive clothing. Nothing seemed to happen. He decided that this was her dream, rendering it incapable of change. But then, his body moved unbidden. It was as if he were a spectator with a front row seat, able to see, feel and hear what was going on about him, but unable to change any action this body was making. It was a strange sensation, feeling his own emotions and thoughts while at the same time being in touch with this other Kylo Ren. Annoyingly, this version of Ren was calm and at ease, as one would expect of a Jedi. The very thought was aggravating. He wanted to wake up, wake up and break something, anything. But no matter how he tried, the body would not respond. Anger simmering, Ren tried to relax and take in the surroundings.

Ren could see that he was in a sparse forest. It reminded him of Tokodana, where he first met Rey in the flesh. But, in this place, it was autumn. The leaves above were turning red and gold before sailing to the ground on cool currents of air. He could sense that Rey was near. Ren was following a familiar path in the forest. Even though the air was slightly chill, the day was still bright and warm. Everything was peaceful.

The path opened up into a small hollow and there she was, Rey. She was sitting cross legged on a flat rock beside the path in her grey blue Jedi robes, her hands cast out wide. Ren could feel her manipulating the force about her, playing with the leaves falling from the trees, making them turn and tumble in the air. She was keeping as many as fifty or more of the red and gold leaves performing their acrobatic tricks. Ren felt himself smile, watching her amuse herself for a short time. Then he stretched out his slightly. He thought of her lifting off of her rock and felt the Force answer. As she rose a foot or so off of the rock, all the leaves suddenly fell down about her. She looked at him, an eyebrow raised in slight irritation.

"I was having fun with that." She crossed her arms and sniffed. "Put me down please."

Ren obeyed. As soon as she was sitting once more on her rock, her arms uncrossed and she smiled at him. "Thank you."

"I thought you were supposed to be meditating."

Rey stood and slowly wandered down the path toward him. "I was."

"Oh really? So...not playing with leaves?"

Rey shook her head as she drew in near to him, her brown eyes playful and a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth. "Never!"

As soon as Rey leant into his as she did often, Ren felt himself shiver with delight. It was always like this, the incomplete Ren only becoming whole when Rey was so close. She felt the same; he could feel her contentedness through the Force. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders giving her a kiss on the forehead. Her slim fingers slipped up his chest, tickling all the way up his neck and guiding his lips to hers. He welcomed her kiss, enfolding her in both arms and lifting her up until they were eye to eye. For a few moments he looked at her, drinking in everything that he could about Rey, from her pale brown eyes, warm and trusting, the pale blush of her cheeks and the darker rose pink of her lips. Playfully, she brushed her small nose against his and kissed him again.

"I want to show you something." She said, hinting, her fingers playing with the front of his robes.

Show him what? He was most curious. He let Rey go and she jumped easily down. Rey took him by the hand and walked confidently down the path. As they neared their destination, Ren could feel the presence of other force users. One was vast, old and wise and recognisably that of his Uncle. The other was powerful, but not well defined. Ren suddenly felt unsure.

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