Part 6: The Field

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Rey had worked especially hard at her training the following day. Sheer exhaustion was the one thing that seemed to keep the shared dreams with Kylo Ren away. It had given her very little time for reflection. Now, as she lay down on the hard, narrow ledge that served as a bed she considered the more recent turn of events.

Master Luke had been irritatingly silent since she had first told him weeks before about the dreams. Each time a new dream occurred, she would also tell him, trying not to leave out any details.

"Well...perhaps a few." She mumbled to herself.

Master Luke had listened carefully. He would "meditate on this development", then give her another difficult training task for the day. No actual advice from that quarter seemed forthcoming. The Jedi master had been reticent to train her. Rey tried to take what she learned during her lessons into each dream. But it was difficult, as if she were somehow outnumbered.

"Which is ridiculous, because it's just him and me." Rey murmured.

The candle beside her began to sputter. Rey sighed heavily as she gave into the inevitable. She blew out the pathetic little flame, turned on her side and closed her eyes.

"Rey?"  The voice was loud and clear. It seemed strangely familiar to Rey, but she couldn't place exactly to whom it belonged.

"Rey, can you hear me?"

Rey wasn't sure if she should answer the man's voice. Her surroundings were not reassuring. She was standing in a dark fog that seemed to swirl all around her. Rey could not see more than a foot in front of her face. As she moved her feet a little, the ground did not feel solid and reliable, but more like treading on a wet sponge. But the voice seemed kind and warm, speaking in clear, rounded tones much like her own accent.

"Rey, can you hear me?" the voice repeated.

Rey took a leap of faith. "Yes."

"Can you walk toward the sound of my voice?"

Rey took a few cautious steps forward. "I think so."

"Good, keep coming this way then."

"Who are you?" Rey asked, carefully edging toward the sound. "Where do I know the sound of your voice from?"

"Ah...well...that could be difficult to explain."

"Have you ever been to Jakku?"

"Well...probably...I've been to a lot of places. Especially since I...well, as I said, it is difficult to explain. I do believe, though, you would recognise this voice from Takodana".

Now Rey felt thoroughly confused. "I never met you there."

"Well not 'met' exactly. But you did once touch I light-sabre that was in my possession for rather a long time."

The man's voice was growing louder as Rey inched her way toward the sound. He could not be much further away in the fog. How could someone, anyone know that she had touched her master's old light-sabre on Takodana? The only one who had seen her was Maz Kanata.

"Are you still there?" The voice asked. "You haven't woken up or anything?"

"What do I call you?"

The fog parted a little ahead of Rey. There stood a middle aged man dressed as a Jedi, the hood of his brown robe down about his shoulders. His light brown hair was parted to one side, greying at the temples, his beard neatly trimmed. He smiled warmly when he saw her, blue eyes twinkling. A strange blue nimbus seemed to surround him.

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