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IM NOT DEAD PEOPLE!!!!Well at least not fully. My friend requested something to do with Fairytail so here you go. But, this isn't about me is it. This is about Fairytail. So if you don't know what Fairytail is...I'll say this nicely 


it's an anime and if you don't want to be spoiled for the manga or tv show I wouldn't read this but if you want your ship/scenario next time then please message me.

The story behind this: So this is a tiny bit of Nalu/Natsu and Lucy but basically this is what could have happened if Natsu had died in Fairytail.



Lucy PoV

I walked into the new guildhall filled with voiced of people arguing and people talking. Even though the number of people arguing was much than the number of people minding their own business and trying to have a peaceful and quite conversation. But, I have grown to love this about my guild. There is never a dull moment. Everywhere you look something interesting is happening and if you don't happen to be having a conversation or, the more likely option, having an argument with someone you could overhear the strangest things. Erza was talking to Mira at the bar with a plate in front of her with a large slice of strawberry cake on it, Gray was probably trying to pick a fight with someone, since I didn't see him and Wendy and Carla were having a conversation about something I didn't manage to overhear. We may have behaviour flaws but our hearts are always in the right place. It feel's like nothing has changed from the way things were before Alvarez. But one thing keeps reminding us of what happened there. That one thing keeps reminding us of how one of the many faces from the guild left us and this time won't be coming back. The one thing that we seem to be ignoring to spare ourselves from the pain. Happy's face. 

Happy got his name from his personality. As Happy himself once told me, he was named Happy by Lisana and Natsu the moment he hatched because it seemed like he was a blue bird of happiness. But now, he can hardly look at any of us, he hardly even talks and he hardly even eats. That blue bird of happiness he once was now seems to be engulfed in pain, sorrow and misery. His face makes everyone's hearts ache not just because of what happened but because it seems like the old Happy, we all knew and loved, never even existed. 

As I walked through the guild I bumped into Reedus making some of his paintings fall onto the wooden floor of the guild. "I'm so sorry Reedus," I quickly blurted out and helped him pick the up as soon as I realised what I did. "It's fine Lucy, no need to apologise," he replied with a calm tone. He also got on his knees and started picking up fallen paintings. As I picked them up I would quickly glance at them. Some of these were old, so old I didn't even recognise some of the members in them. As I picked up the last one I had felt my heart go heavy. It was me. But, it wasn't only me. Happy was there too and not only him. Natsu. I felt my eyes water as I looked at the picture. It was us three. I didn't even remember this being painted but we were laughing about something. Laughing between me and Happy was quite scarce now. If it wasn't for Natsu I would have never joined Fairytail. If it wasn't for Natsu I'd be most likely dead. If it wasn't for Natsu I would have given up. The images keep replaying in my head. Natsu taking here, Natsu saving me, Natsu fighting for me and me fighting for him. I look down at the painting again and see a drop fall on it.

"I couldn't bare throwing away this one," Reedus said looking slightly guilty. I felt another tear escape my eye and another and another and before I even registered what was happening I felt a couple of people gather around me. I looked down on to the painting in my hands. Natsu was here. With his pink hair, big smile and fiery passion in his eyes. Happy was there with a grin that felt like a myth now and me. I was there too. I was also smiling. I haven't used the muscles to smile in such a long time I don't even think I'd remember how to smile if I tried. 

Suddenly I felt something brush against my hand. I opened my eyes not even realising I closed them and saw Happy. He looked at me with tears in his eyes as well and for the first time in a long time he flew up to my chest and hugged me with all his strength. For sometime me and Happy couldn't look at each other because it would bring up too many painful memories, but we are slowly interacting more, but it's never the same as it was. 

"The guild just isn't the same without him," Erza said kneeling down next to me. 

"That salamander did bring out the best in everyone even though he would cause trouble he was still a part of the guilds family," Gray said making me grasp the picture tighter. 

"Isn't there a way to bring him back!" Wendy shouted tears forming in her eyes.

"We tried," Erza said, "we tried everything we could but nothing seems to get Natsu back!".

I wiped the tears of my face and slowly got up handing the pictures back to Reedus. He smiled at me sadly before saying "keep the last one. It means much more to you than anyone else here". As he handed me the picture with our trio smiling Happy looked around the guildhall and told everyone of us "N-N-Nat- He would have wanted us to remember the good and not the bad. He would have wanted us to live on. He would have encouraged us to fight through. But, I CANT JUST GO AROUND THE PLACES WE USED TO GO TO TOGETHER AND SMILE. HE'S GONE AND WE MIGHT NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN AND EVEN IF IT WAS FOR A MINUTE I COULD HAVE AT LEAST SAID GOODBYE. I could have told him that he was like a brother to me," the more he spoke the more broken his voice sound. We stood there in silence only thing breaking the silence was Happy's occasional sobs.

I left home early that day. I couldn't bare everyone looking sad again or looking at Happy's broken face and hearing his broken voice. That night I heard my window open. A sudden rush of joy spread in my body. I ran to the window before stopping just as I was going to reach for the handle. The smile that appeared on my face dropped as I realised that Happy was right. I will never see Natsu again. I'm never gonna hear his laugh or feel his hair again. I glanced at the painting. At least I'll never forget his face now. Despite stopping, I opened the window to find Happy flying in. Before I could even ask what he was doing at my place at this time he said "I wanted to see his smile again".

Sometimes I wonder why I my book ended the way it did. Why did I have the main protagonist, Iris, fall for the pinked haired jokester. If not me, then at least someone had the fairytale ending I've always wanted.


Hello people/demons/animals/whatever you are, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I just wanted to make sure you realise that I'm not dead.....yet. It may take a couple of months for me to upload based on school work I have due and based on spare time I can write in. Anyway, if you want me to write a scenario/one shot about your favourite universe/ship then feel free to leave it as a comment or just private message me. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS SHIT BY THE WAY I ACTUALLY REALLY APPRECIATE  IT!!!


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