Harry Potter

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Okay...I have realised that I have had a lot of trouble keeping my promise of updating often. Sorry about that. I've focused on swimming a lot and I also went on a school trip. Anyway I seriously am going to try to update more often (she says already knowing thats not gonna happen...I mean what)...I seriously need ship ideas cause I'm genuinely screwed. WHEN IM WRITING A FUCKING MATH TEST I CAN REMEMBER EVERY SHIP FROM EVERY FANDOM I'VE EVER BEEN IN, BUT WHEN I TRY TO WRITE SOMETHING ALL OF A SUDDEN MY BRAIN GOES LIKE "SHIP, LIKE BOAT...". And because of that imma write about a person only. I completely forgot about this fandom...I'm a horrible person...

(also I'm sick while writing this so excuse any major spelling errors)

Story behind this: So basically image how Hermione felt in the Hogwarts Express when Ron and Harry took the car in their second year.  


Hermione PoV

They were going to come. They had to. It's school. They had to. 5 minutes. They can still make it. Soon that 5 turned to 4, then to 3, 2, 1. Once the train started to move I realised that they missed the train. Harry and Ron weren't going to Hogwarts. But where else would they go. Harry didn't like his aunt and uncle and they hated him apparently. Ron. His siblings had to go. At least Percy wouldn't miss education. Right?

I sighed and settled in the empty compartment. I didn't even have a pet to keep me company and everyone else were already with their friends. "Hey Hermione," I heard someone call from the hallway. I thought, surely, it has to be Ron or Harry. But it was Fred, one of Ron's older brothers, "where are Ron and Harry?". So they were on the train...oh. I shrugged as a response and Fred nodded back at me heading off to his friends.

If Fred asked where they were, they must be here. So they just didn't want to sit with me. They didn't want to be around someone like me. I wasn't attractive and I knew it. Every time I looked in the mirror it was a reminder. The bushy hair that I wanted to straighten so badly so I don't have to deal with it, long teeth I wanted to break so I could get be at least a bot normal and god knows what else. I wasn't good with people, but I have a brain. I have a personality...but that counts as nothing doesn't it. Nobody cares about whats inside. The whole "it's what's on the inside that matters" is complete bullshit in society these days. People only care about looks and even if I was the best person in the world, which I knew I wasn't, the thing that I was most proud of and I was confident about stood for even less. Knowledge. 

I've heard the other Gryffindors talking about me. I know that I'm not pretty. I know that sometimes I can be bossy, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a person. I know I don't have many friends. Harry and Ron. Well they were probably somewhere with the other Gryffindors. Maybe they were just using me to get through the year. 

As time went on I took out a book from my trunk and realised there was no point in waiting for them. "Would you look at that even Potter and Weasley didn't want to hang out with you," laughed a voice from the outside. Malfoy. "That's saying something Granger...". He the left snickering away with Crabbe and Goyle following him. I looked up from my book and felt a tear roll down my cheek. Were they right. Am I really that horrible. I let my head sink into my knees and waited for as long as I could before I looked up hoping that maybe, just maybe Ron and Harry would decide to say hi. But that didn't happen. 


So yeah that's all I got for you guys today. I'm sorry for making it so depressing but well...I couldn't think of anything else. If you want to see something specific PLEASE TELL ME! I AM INDECISIVE AS FUCK! Anyway...see ya most likely in a month looking at my track record.


I Ship It A.K.A. Random One Shots From Random Fandoms And Of Random ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now