More Phan (cause I'm definitely not obsessed or anything)

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'Kay y'all I'm honestly so shit at to sticking to a schedule so if anyone is still reading this 1. I'm sorry for not updating this trash and 2. Could you actually send me whatever you want me to write about because I'm horrible at this and unless you want me making one shots about the same ships (or depressing stories) I need ideas. It can be simple as "Phan" or "Attack on Titan" (I just realized that I'm definitely the weird kid in school that you should avoid) or "The Darkest Minds" (for which btw the movie is coming out in 38 days). So that's all I wanted to tell you...Sorry for not being too sarcastic right now (I've wasted my sarcasm on my brother and sister today) and if I actually get a ship or prompt I'll try to put it up before Friday (cause then I'm leaving to Scout Camp and I won't have WiFi or anything I normally live off). I actually saw this idea on Instagram (I'm sorry I don't remember your name but there's like a 1 in 7.5 billion chance your reading this, but if you are reading this please tell me your username so I can tag you) so enjoy?

Story behind this: Dan and Phil announcing their engagement with the announcement moose (WITH MY TWIST)

Things you need to know for this: Dan and Phil HAVE previously announced they are together and despite trying to announce their engagement they forget the most important thing, ACTUALLY ANNOUNCING THEIR ENGAGEMENT (that was my twist)

((Okay as I'm reading this I'm realizing it's not making too much sense. Basically picture Dan and Phil forgetting to mention that they're engaged in a video where they talk about meeting people, looking at houses e.t.c. which just makes them sound like they're breaking up))
Dan and Phil. The YouTube power couple of the century. Professional YouTube stars and video makers were about to make one of the most important videos of their life. A video which fans will look back on and say "holy ship" (see what I did there ....... I'll let myself out). A video which their future kids will look back on and say "that was them".
A video so fascinating and filled with 'feels' that it left the internet s h o o k for at least a week.
However, they fucked it up.

Dan looked at the camera pointed at the bed he and his, now, fiancé had been sharing. Everything was prepared perfectly. Dan had some jokes ready in his head, ready to spring them at Phil so frequently he'd start to question whether his choice to get down on one knee was well thought out. Phil on the other hand, was going through they had to mention in the video in his head trying to make sure everything was perfect. This was their moment. He desperately didn't want anything to go wrong, they had done such a good job not tweeting about the next stage of their life or putting pictures of the ring on either of theirs Instagrams. The announcement moose was ready by Phil's right hand side on the bed side table. After all those years they still had it and after all those years they weren't bothered to fix the part which they chipped while filming "Getting Over It" on the gaming channel. It was time for the announcement moose to return and to return in style.

"Ready?" Phil asked Dan who was looking at him smiling as he still couldn't believe that he had grown from a stalker and a trashcan to Phil Lester's fiancé.

"Of course," Dan replied still smiling, "I still remember when Dil and T-bag got engaged and T-bag was happy for like 5 days later, I also remember calling it rubbish or something...but here I am...a week later...still smiling".

"Dan..." Phil said softly, "that was the cheesiest piece of sh-shine a light I ever heard come out of your mouth...".

"HEY!" Dan yelled calmly (Well if this isn't the definition of their gaming channel I don't know what is), "I'm here trying to be nice and you say-". Phil interrupted Dan's complaints by giving him a small peck on the lips before getting up pressing the record button on his camera and sitting back down. Phil gave the camera a couple of seconds to adjust before he started.

I Ship It A.K.A. Random One Shots From Random Fandoms And Of Random ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now