Just a thank you

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I don't usually do this, but the support on this book/stories/whatever you want to call it has been massive and a lot more than I could ever imagine. I started writing these just for myself and to see other people engaging with the oneshots is really inspiring. I've never really had a lot of confidence and, this is pretty hard for me to share, I've recently been struggling with mental health. But, being able to write these little things for you really does make me happier (at least a little). You'll get a new chapter based around Chubs and Vida (from The Darkest Minds) really soon. But I just wanted to thank you. The support is not only on this book but my other one as well and it's really great seeing. As well as wanting to say thank you I've been conveniently tagged by hope_sees_the_stars (I'm doing a slightly different version, I hope you don't mind)to do a get to know me tag. YAAAAAAAY!

Let's go...
1. What is your middle name?
My middle name is actually Stephanie, but I don't really use it.
2. What is your favorite color
3. Who was your first best friend?
I have two best friends and one of them I met in the first day of middle school and we bonded over the hunger games and the other I also met the first day of middle school and we bonded over how shit the Percy Jackson movies were and out Hogwarts houses.
4. How tall are you?
173cm or 5'6
5. Cats or Dogs?
I like both. I don't have a preference, but because I currently have a dog (a German Shepherd) I'm going to have to say dogs.
6.Funniest moment throughout School?
Probably the times with my friends. There isn't one specific moment that stands out.
7. How many countries have you visited?
A lot. Like I cannot count in how many countries I've been in.
8. Are you in/have you gone to college?
I have not gone to college.
9. What was your favorite/worst subject in High School?
I don't really have a worst subject. My favorite is either Chemistry, English or Math (yes I'm that person), but I seriously hated Geography. So let's say favorite English and least favorite Geography (cause I had a shit teacher).
10. What is your Favorite drink?
11. What is your favorite animal?
Umm...I have no idea. I love polar bears. I love cheetahs, dogs, koalas, kiwis...TOO MANY ANIMALS!
12. What is your favorite food?
Some pasta. Once again I don't have a specific preference.
13. Tea or Coffee?
TEA! Tea all the way.
14. What would you (or have you) name(d) your children?
I'd probably name them after book characters *cough cough* Liam Michael Stewart, Charles, Harry, Percy, Dorian, Will (etc) *cough cough*
15. What Sports do you play/Have you played?
This'll be fun. I did Judo, field hockey, football, basketball, gymnastics (all for like a year) and currently I do swimming, frisbee and Krav Maga.
16. What is your favorite book?
No. Too many good books I couldn't possibly pick a favorite *cough cough* The Darkest Minds and The Lord of the Rings *cough cough*
17. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Dan and Phil
18. What is your favorite movie?
I. Have. No. Idea. I love marvel movies, I really love the original Star Wars movies and I like Disney movies. So I'm literally the weirdest person.
19. Are you Single or Taken?
I'm a single Pringle.
20. Whats your idea of an ideal first date?
I've actually thought about this and it's simple. I would either like to go see a movie or just get take out and watch a TV show.
21. What's your Hogwarts house?
22. Favorite memory from childhood?
I don't really have a favorite memory. I always enjoyed traveling with my family, but once again there isn't a specific memory that stands out.
23. Do you speak any different languages and how well?
I speak English, Czech, German fluently and I've been learning a bit of Arabic, Japanese and Spanish.
24. Do you have any siblings?
I have an older brother and an older sister.
25. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Nonexistent. Or if you had to pick an outfit for a funeral.
26. What is your favorite restaurant?
Don't have a favorite restaurant. Maybe something Italian or Thai...
27. What are some of your favorite tv shows?
Stranger Things, Brooklyn99, Merlin, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Avatar the Last Airbender and if anime counts then Attack on Titan, Erased... (we could be here all day),
28. PC or Mac?
I have a Mac so I think I'm obliged to say Mac.
29. What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)
iPhone 8
30. What do you want to do when you grow up?
There's two very different option but one is writer (which my parents said is bullshit and I should probably give up on) and the other one, which I'm leaning towards, is a forensics scientist.

Well that's it and I'll hopefully see you in a couple of days with a new oneshot. Thanks for sticking around and bye...


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