More Darkest Minds

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Wazzaaaaaaaap! So no I'm not dead. Well....lets not talk about what I am because I am slightly concerned that I am actually dead. Might because of all the fandoms. HAPPY NEW YEAR AS WELL! Look another year I'll waste instead of doing something actually useful and helpful.'re not here to listen to my sarcastic comments that I mean as a joke but deep down know are true. I mean what. Anyway I'm writing another 'Darkest Minds' thing cause the INSPIRATION GODS GAVE ME AN IDEA THAT WORKS WITH THE DAKEST MINDS YAAAY! Anyway lets get started...

The story behind this: So basically what it felt like for Zu and all the others in the first scene in the car and all the things going on inside her head as it was happening.



She did nothing to hurt me. Or try to hurt me. Then why keep the door shut? There was something in her face. Something that I recognised. Fear. Not just fear but also doubt and worry. I wasn't sure when Chubs and Liam were getting back, but I figured I would have time to help her. I almost reached for the door, but something inside me was stopping me from opening the door. Suzume! Think about this? I thought as she, Ruby I think I heard the people call her, seemed to try and run off. I summoned all my willpower, despite all the bones in my body telling me that I am an idiot and I will get myself and Liam AND Chubs killed, I opened the door of Black Betty and pulled her inside.

As soon as I pulled her in I turned from her to quickly shut the door. I didn't realise I pulled her in so abruptly she looked slightly dazed, but that didn't matter at that time. I pulled her here I'm gonna have to deal with the crap that come after it. I quickly climbed over her legs into the backseat grabbing the collar of her shirt trying to gesture to her to get back. "Okay okay," she said crawling over to me looking around a bit. She didn't seem too old. About Chubs's or Liam's age. Oh crap. Liam and Chubs. This may have not been the best idea after all, but I felt like I did something right.

I motioned for her to crouch behind one of the middle seats. As she crouched down she asked me the question I've been dreading "What's your name?". Zu. Suzume. I tried to say, but I knew the words just wouldn't come out so I continued to dig for the sheet I was going to hide her from view, "It's all right; you can talk to me...." she added after I didn't reply. As soon as I got the sheet I threw it over her signalling for her to stay quiet. It seems like just in time as I heard Chubs' deep voice "—I swear to God it was her, Liam!" he started saying coming to the car, "And, look, I told you she'd beat us back. Suzume, did you run into trouble?". Nah I just got chased by someone I didn't know but decided to be a good person and let her in the car I hope you don't mind. Oh she might be a psychopath, but I think Liam might be into that stuff. I thought over what to do and decided I'd rather just shake my head instead of saying what I thought.

Liam opened the other door and let out a sigh of relief "Thank God, come on, come on, come on, get in. I don't know what's going on, but I don't want to stay long enough to find out. The skip tracers were bad enough—". I wanted to say I know exactly what is going on but I hope you don't lift that sheet cause I'd have to explain something, but Chubs luckily decided to snap at Liam "Why won't you admit that it was her?". "—Because we ditched her in Ohio, that's why—" Liam argued back, but then suddenly from the back a female voice came "Ruby! Ruby!". So her name IS Ruby. I just decided to act confused as both of the boys because it seemed like the normal thing to do.

"What in the world?" Chubs said. "Is that what I think it is?". Then the thing that made all of us jump. A gunshot, despite it seeming like it was shot from a distance Chubs with a great worry in his voice yelled "LEE!". "I know, I know!" Liam said as the engine sputtered to life, and the squeal of the tires wasn't far behind. "Zu, seat belt!" he reminded me. I reluctantly put on my seatbelt and waited for car to jump forward. I thought I heard a crack coming from the back somewhere around Ruby's area, but hoped it was my imagination. "Zu, did something happen in the gas station?" Liam pressed. Uhhhhhhhhh...gas station...what gas station. ME? GAS STATION? NEVER! We were driving for about 10 minutes and I believed and hoped we were away from the guns.

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