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Joeys POV

I walk into Daniels porch harshly, knocking at the door louder than I wanted to. The door swings open and I see Daniels Mom standing there, hair pulled up with a magazine in her hand, "Daniels upstairs..." she says. She walks away with the door open for me to enter.

I walk inside, shutting the door behind me. I walk up the stairs with Jett on my hip still, breathing still hasn't gone down since the fight.

I knock on his bed room door lightly, his soft calming voice says "come in..." I open the door, looking at Daniel laying on his bed with his phone in his hand.

"Joey what's wrong?" He asks, looking at my flustered face. He immediately stands up and sets his phone down. Jett has fallen asleep on my hip from crying too hard, which is a good thing.

Daniel takes the sleeping toddler out of my hand and lays him down on his bed. He pulls the blanket over his head and pulls me over to the futon, sitting me down.

"Joey I know something is wrong tell me..." he says, placing his hand on my thigh. I sigh out before speaking, "Daniel my mom is abusive..." I say, looking at my feet.

He swallows thickly, looking me dead in the face. "She is what?" He asks, making me turn my gaze towards him.

"She abuses me Daniel..." I say as tears run down my face. "Joey are you sure?" He says, his voice raising.

I stand up and start taking off my shirt, "Joey what are you doing?" He asks, looking at me. I ignore him and completely take off my sweater, throwing it down.

I show him my bruises, burns, cuts, and scars. He gasps as a tear runs down his face. "Does she do this to Jett?" He asks, standing up to meet my gaze.

"No, I've been taking care of him since he was a new born. I've been feeding him, bathing him, watching him, you name it. I haven't eaten in days, I don't feel the need. Every time I do something I just get hurt. That's why I don't open up, that's why I can't open up. Daniel you don't understand... I've been getting the 'gay beaten out of me' for about 12 years now... today I stood up for myself and that resulted in my mom getting stabbed with a fork and getting hit over the head with a plate..." I say, letting more tears flow out of my eyes. He holds onto my shaky hands as I tilt my head up to meet his gaze.

I open my mouth to speak again but Daniel places his lips on mine, pulling me into a hug. I start to kiss back as I'm being pressed against the wall.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he places one of his hands against the wall. His tongue slides into my mouth, wrestling with mine.

He wins, gaining dominance quickly. I run my fingers through his hair, the tears on my cheeks drying.

We both pull away, both us breathing heavily. He places his forehead on mine before letting me stand again.

A silence fills the room, just as if someone died. In reality someone did die, it was my old self. The person who was letting himself getting beat up. I let myself get abused, I let myself get picked on. That's changing, that's all changing today.

I let out a weak chuckle before saying, "thanks for listening Daniel...". He nods his head, backing away from me.

I sit back down on the futon and place my head in my hands. He pulls me into his arms, laying down.

He pulls a blanket from the floor into us. He kisses my forehead and holds me closer, feeling his body heat against mine.

- - -

I walk into the locker room, sitting down on a bench. I sigh greatly and place my head in my hands.

Opening up to someone was great and all but now Daniel might call the police on my mom. That means that they taker her away or they take me and get away. Taking Jett away from me would be like losing half of my heart.

I wipe the tears away from my eyes and take off my shirt, digging through my bag for my black long sleeve shirt.

Something gets thrown at me, like a duffle bag. It sits next to me, touching my leg.

I turn around, seeing the whole team behind me. I don't even bother hiding my chest and arms.

"We heard what you did with Daniel..." one says, looking at me. "Okay so?" I say, looking at hunter.

"Well we think it's only fair if we each get to have a piece of you..." hunter says, keeping his gaze on my face.

My eyes open wide as my mouth drops. "Why the fuck would I sleep with you? You all have girlfriends." I say to the 10 plus boys standing in front of me.

"Yeah so what..." hunter says crossing his arms. "Why the fuck would I have sex with everyone on the foot ball team?!" I question, scooting away from the boys.

"Look inside of the bag" a guy in the back says, looking above the crowd. I look down at the black duffle bag, unzipping it.

A bag full of money, that's what it is. I bite my lip and start to move it around, seeing its is filled with cash and nothing else.

"How much is this?" I ask, zipping it back up. "Four thousand..." hunter says, crossing his arms. I was about to throw the money at the boys but Jett came across my mind. How he needs new clothes and food. I bite my lip again, thinking.

"What will I have to do?" I ask, looking up at hunter. "What ever you did with daniel... then you can take that four thousand dollars home..." he says, uncrossing his arms.

"What about practice?" I add, trying to stall. "Coach cancelled it, that's why Daniel isn't here..." he says, kneeling down to meet my look.

"But really what will I have to do?" I ask, placing my hands on my lap. "Make each of us cum at least once..." he says, looking up at the boys.

I start thinking of Jett again but if Daniel finds out, he will never think of me the same.

My mind tosses between no and yes, but Jett is more important than anything. "I'll do it..." I say, once again biting my lip.

"Good boy..." hunter says, standing up.

- - -

I stumble out of the locker room, money and clothes in my hand. All of the boys are laughing and talking about what just happened. I slip on my pants and Daniels sweatshirt.

I wipe my face of the saliva and the scattered cum. I start shaking slightly, limping into the parking lot. Daniel comes running over to me, looking at me puzzled.

"I went to your house and you weren't there... what happened?" He asks, starting to walk with me.

I shiver again, thinking about what I just did. "I stayed after anyways and practiced by myself..." I lie.

"Oh..." daniel says, looking at the black bag I have in my arms. "What's that?" He asks, tilting his head. 

"Just some extra equipment..." one again, I lie. He nods his head and looks ahead of us.

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