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Joeys POV

"Are you forgetting something?" I ask Daniel as he sits down in his side of the car. He just looks at me as he is closing the door.

He leans over to me and places his lips on mine, kissing me gently. He tries to pull away but I place my hand on the back of his head and make the kiss deeper.

He breathes in heavily through his nose before immediately getting used to the pace I was going in. I smirk into the kiss before pulling myself into Daniels lap.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. His tongue slides into my mouth making me shiver slightly. His hands travel up my shirt to feel my chest.

I moan into the kiss as his tongue starts wrestling with mine. I let him win obviously and his tongue explores me whole mouth.

He removes his lips from mine and he places his lips on my neck. He starts leaving small kisses on different places until I let out a small moan.

He attaches his lips to my sweet spot and sucks gently. I move my neck to the side to give him more access.

After a few minutes of him sucking on my neck he pulls away and pecks my lips. He looks up at me and smiles, placing his hands on my thighs.

"Was that enough?" Daniel asks me, placing his forehead on mine. I nod breathlessly before crawling back into my seat.

He starts his car as I buckle up my seat belt.

- - -

I walk into school with Daniel at my side, arms linked together. We still aren't official though, but obviously both of us have feelings for each other.

He stop at our lockers which are next to each other.

To my surprise I get shoved into the lockers next to me. I scream slightly as hunter stands in front of me, holding my arms back.

"what are you doing?!" I ask loudly, trying to push him away. He leans down and tries to kiss me. I move my head to the side and call out for Daniel.

He turns his gaze towards me and immediately drops his books. "Get off of him!" He yells, running over to us.

Hunter ignores Daniel and still tries kissing me. I keep moving my head and squirming around to stop him from placing his lips on mine.

Daniel places his hands on hunter to pull him away from me, "Get off of my boyfriend!" Daniel yells.

Hunter just freezes and looks at me. "You two are a thing now?" Hunter asks, looking over at Daniel. "Yes" I immediately say back, still struggling to get him off of me.

Hunter lets go and gets thrown backwards by Daniel, stumbling across the hallway. His back slams into the other wall and Daniel charges over to him.

He holds his arms against the wall, "How do you like it?" He asks as hunter struggles to get out of his grip.

"Daniel it's done and over with come on let's get to class..." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and sighs, looking back over to hunter.

He lets him go and pushes him on the floor. He takes my hand, going back to our lockers to get our stuff.

- - -

Reading class lets out so it's time for lunch. Daniel walks over to me and looks at me.

"Joey in the hallway earlier..." Daniel starts to speak, "Are we official?" He asks. "Well I said yes didn't I?" I say back, looking up at him.

He just smiles and grabs my hand as he walks to the lunch room with me.

We walk in together and immediately stand in line to get our food. "Danny I'm not hungry..." I mumble, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Joey you're eating" he says, looking down at me. The line moves up and he walks beside me.

After paying for my salad, daniel got the same thing, we walk over to a round table. I sit down as Daniel sits down next to me. He pulls my chair so it's touching his and faces me towards him.

"Eat" he says, opening the boxed salad and handing me a plastic fork. I take it out of his hand and poke at the salad.

I pick up a piece of lettuce and just look at it. I place it my mouth and look up at Daniel. He smiles to at me as I start eating it.

"Good" he says, opening his salad.

- - - (holy shit so many skips I hate myself)

We walk down the sidewalk together laughing, I really don't know why but we are just giggly.

The laughs stop when we stop at my house. Daniel scratches the back of his head and just looks at me. "Do you want to come i-" he cuts me off before I can finish my sentence, "I would love to."

I open my door and Daniel shuts it behind him. I sit on the couch as he sets down his book bag.

"In the diner yesterday, you said you hated living alone?" Daniel starts to speak as he sits down next to me. "Yeah..." I add on, turning all of my attention into him.

"Well maybe we could get an apartment or something. Like a new start" he says. "Daniel I can't leave... Jett, I want him back" I say, my expression immediately turning into a frown.

"Then we get him back" he says as he places his hand on my thigh. "How? His dad has him" I say, looking up at him.

"Well, do you still have that four thousand dollars?" He asks. "Yeah, every penny" I reply.

"Then let's go and try to pay off his dad with the money" he says. "Are you sure this will work?" I ask.

"All we got to do is hope" Daniel says. I nod my head and scoot closer to him. He grabs a blanket off of my arm of the couch and pulls me into his arms.

He covers us with the blanket and pulls out his phone and opens the Netflix app.

A/N: nOt pRoUd oF tHiS cHaPtEr

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