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Joeys POV

Daniel walks me up to my door step and stands there as I unlock my door. "Thanks for walking me home again..." I say, voice completely broken from deep throating.

"Anytime Joey, stay safe okay?" Daniel says, patting my shoulder lightly. I give I'm a weak smile before walking into my house.

I close the door behind me, locking it. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the kitchen fridge. "Thanks for telling someone, they called the cops... it was under 'Maria Preda'... hope you have fun taking care of Jett until he is old enough to support himself" the note reads. "FUCK!" I yell, throwing the note on the floor.

I drop all of my bags, sliding down against the fridge. She signed that paper so I could be a legal adult at 16. So I guess I'm on my own from now on.

- - -

I drop Jett off at a new day care, it being only a few minutes away from my house makes it easy to walk there.

I walk out of the day care and back to my bus stop, book bag hanging off of my shoulders. I feel someone tap my shoulder, turns out of was Daniel.

He pulls me by my arm, like he was mad or something. My heart speeds up as I'm being pulled into his house.

"What the fuck Joey?" He says quite harshly, pushing me into the couch. "What did I do now?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Joey you slept with the whole of the football team, they were bragging about what you did..." he says, face flustered and his voice quite stern.

"I needed money Daniel..." I say sheepishly. "That doesn't mean you sleep with 12 guys Joey !" He says a little louder, sitting down next to me.

"Daniel for one my mom is actually in jail because of your mom. For two they gave me four thousand. For three I need to support my baby brother. And for four it's not like I was in a relationship... I'm single." I say, rubbing my arm with my slightly shaky hand.

"We had something going Joey..." he says, placing his hand on my thigh. "I know, I know you wanted us to be a thing but I don't know how to settle down yet..." I say, biting my lip and looking at my feet.

"That's what it is?" He says, an anger in his voice. No not an anger, more of hatred. "W-what?" I ask, backing away from him.

"The only reason you won't date me is because you want to be a fucking slut and sleep with other people huh? You can't keep your ass shut for a few days can you joey? Are you that desperate for attention you won't take mine? You really need 12 boys to please you?" He says, standing up.

A tear runs down my face, landing into my hand. "Daniel you don't fucking know me at all. If you didn't piece everything together I'm poor okay? I need money, I didn't want attention. And if I remember right you actually came onto me and took something special of mine. Daniel if you think that I was going to date you, I was considering it but I just saw your true colors today" a few more tears come out of my eyes "and now I can't even think about you calling me yours..." I say, standing up.

I meet Daniels gaze and slap him across the face. I pick up my book bag and start to walk out of the door.

"Joey wa-" Daniel says before i slam the door. The bus stops in front of Daniels house to pick me up. I walk on and the doors close, driving away as I sit down.

- - -

I skip gym class, sitting in the locker room thinking about what happened. I curl up into a ball and sit in a corner, rocking back and forth.

I place my head in my knees and cry softly, biting my lip to try to hush myself.

I sniffle before picking up my phone. I open up messages and click on Daniels icon, "bye..." I text before standing up.

I immediately hear it ding but I ignore it. I open up the window and climb out of it, landing on the roof.

I walk over to the latter that's on the side of the school and start climbing it to the third floor.

I'm getting calls and texts from Daniel, again I'm just ignoring them. I walk into the roof of the third floor and just stand there for a while.

Sleeping with the foot ball team, Mom in jail, kid to take care of, best friend hating you, and no other friends... life is really great honest.

I walk to the edge as more and more kids notice my presence up there. Some gasp as some take out their phones to record me.

I place one foot off of the roof before taking a deep breath.

A huge heard of kids form around the front of the school. I smile to myself, at least people know who I am. Some of the teachers and the security guards come to see what's happening.

They just look up at me, someone yells "DONT DO IT! WHO ELSE WILL FUCK THE FOOT BALL TEAM?"

A tear rolls down my face as I scoot closer to the edge, thinking if this is worth it.

A black car speeds into the parking lot, stopping at the back of the crowed. I see them run through the crowd, turns out it was Daniel.

I look down to see that he has Jett in his hands, who is crying. "Joey!" Jett yells. I start to back up before I back up into someone.

I turn around, meeting Jason's pissed gaze. "Okay so first you steal my boyfriend then you fuck the whole football team?!" He asks, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"I'm not dating Daniel and I don't plan on it... he is a dick you can have him!" I yell back, starting to walk away from him.

He grabs me by my shirt and pulls me back over to him. He faces me, face to face.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Are you really one of those people who say that they are going to kill them self for attention?" He asks, getting in my face.

"No..." I say, grinding my teeth. He opens his mouth to speak but I punch him across the face, making him stumble back.

The whole crowd gasps as he falls over, holding onto the edge of the roof.

"GRAB MY HAND YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I yell, reaching down to grab his hand. "No you fucking rat I don't want you to save me..." he says, feet dangling below him.

"HELP HIM UP!" A guy yells. "IM TRYING HE ISNT GRABBING MY HAND!" I yell back, reaching down to grab it.

He lets go of the edge of the roof and I grab his hand, not letting him fall.

He looks at me, shaking his head. He uses his other hand to move my fingers to let him go.

My hand slips and he falls, hitting the ground hard. "NO!" I yell, running to the latter.

I jump off of the first floor, immediately running over to Jason. His neck is twisted and there is blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

"Jesus..." I mumble, backing away from the body.

"Why did you let go of him?" Someone asks, walking to me. "Hey he didn't let go... check the video Jason made him let go..." Daniel says, pointing to a blonde girl who filmed it.

"I can't handle this right now..." I say, picking up Jett and covering his eyes. "Joey let me take you home..." Daniel says, walking after me.

"No, I'm so much of a slut I'll give your a disease..." I snare at him, walking quicker.

I start to shake as I walk down the road, almost collapsing right then and there.

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