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Joeys POV

I relax when I hear the police sirens from a distance. Daniel comes up from behind me and places his hand on my shoulder. I feel like crying into his chest, but I just push his hand off of my shoulder.

Police men come bursting into the room with their guns pointed at Richard. Two of them run over to Richard and pick him up to he is standing. They place his arms behind his back and put hand cuffs on him.

A female cop comes up to me and opens a small note book. "How did all of this happen?" She asks me, opening her pen.

"Well my boyfriend picked me up around 7 or 8 in the morning. I was going to ask for custody of Jett, but I was going to give Richard four thousand dollars. He agreed and he led me to Jett's room, which he said he was sleeping. I ran over to Jett while Daniel stayed at the door with the money. I tried waking Jett but he wasn't moving and I saw that he was beaten to death. I stood up and Richard pointed a gun at me. Daniel was frozen in fear or whatever so I had to fight for my life." I say, still not making eye contact with Daniel.

"How did you get the four thousand dollars?" She asks, looking up from her notebook. "Oh erm, I was in a bet with a few friends and I won" I lie to her, not wanting to get a fine for prostitution.

She nods her head before closing her notebook, walking over to the body.

"You two can leave, we will call Joey when we get the information about Jett's death..." she says, looking back at the body.

I nod my head and wipe the tears out of my eyes. I run out of the room and storm out of the house, hearing Daniel behind me.

I open the passenger door and get inside, slamming the door shut. I can tell Daniel is looking at me when he gets out of the house. I put my hood over my head and pull the strings, hiding my face from him.

I hear him get into the car and shut the door quietly. He places his hand on my thigh making me jump. He sighs greatly before removing his hand and starting the car.

- - -

The whole car ride home was silent except for my few sniffles from crying. He stops in front of my house and looks over at me.

I don't look back and unlock the doors, opening my door. I get the money and get out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

I walk up my porch stairs and barge into my house, slamming the door behind me.

I throw the money across the room and scream at the top of my lungs. I push everything off of my cluttered table, letting the bowls and cups smash on the floor.

I flip the side table next to the couch as well, kicking it to the other side of the room. I slide down the wall and just look up at the ceiling.

I just start laughing, by all means none of this is funny but everything inside of me is just coming out at once.

Those laughs turn into short sobs. Tears run down my cheeks as little laughs escape my lips.

I launch myself upward and start hitting the floor, laughs and sobs come from my lips. "I'm fucking insane..." I laugh out before backing up into the wall again.

My door opens and I glare over, seeing Daniel standing there with a frown on him face. I look back down at the floor and open my legs, placing my hand on the floor, in between my legs.

I drop my head down as I go emotionless. I stare blankly at the floor as Daniel just looks at me.

I can hear him take a breath in to speak but he closes his mouth. He kneels down next to me and places his hand on my back.

I flinch and scoot away from him, backing up slowly on the floor.

"Joey I'm sorry" he speaks, sitting down on the hardwood floor. "Sorry for what?" I squeak out, pulling my knees into my chest.

"Almost letting you die" he says as he wipes his eyes. "Well I'm alive aren't I? Even though you didn't help me at all, I still came out alive." I mumble, raking my fingers through my not groomed hair.

"Joey I can't express how sorry I am, I love you" He says, scooting closer to me. "If you really loved me you would of snapped out of your fear state and saved me..." I squeak out, trying to hold my tears back.

"Joey I don't know what I was thinking, please just look past this..." I says in response, sitting next to me.

"You're all I have left" I say, taking in a deep breath, "my dad is gone, my mom is in jail, Jett is dead, I have no friends..." I say, looking up at Daniel.

"I'm here to stay Joey" Daniel starts speaking, "I've been with you since we were children, I grew up with you and watched you slowly fall apart. It was my job to keep you sane but I failed. I let everything around you fall apart because I was too worried about falling for you. As your feelings grew for me I got scared because of it and I started falling apart. Now you lost everything because of me, I'm very sorry Joey that I did this to you..."

"You helped me if anything..." I say, earning a little smile from Daniel. "Jo-" Daniel starts to speak, "shut up and hold me" I say, placing my head on his chest.

"Never leave me" I say, pulling myself onto his lap. "I don't plan on it..." Daniel says as I place my head in the crook of his neck.


I  A M  E N D I N G  I T  H E R E!1!1!

Don't hate me please, I just ran out of ideas for this book.

Be on a lookout for a new book called "bitter sweet" because I'm thinking of making another Janiel Fanfiction.

I've been pushing off updating everything for a while so maybe that's the reason why I ended it here.

If I make "bitter sweet" I may update it weekly instead of every other day.

Hope you enjoyed this small fucking roller coaster of a short book.

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