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Joeys POV

My alarm clock goes off. As soon as I open my eyes I feel empty. Everything is gone... I'm alone and I have no body. I turn over and click the button on my alarm clock to turn it off.

I sit up and stare at the wall blankly, letting myself wake up. I run my fingers through my hair before stepping out of bed.

I shiver as my bare foot touches the chilling cold hard wood floor.

I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

My ribs are poking through my pale skin slightly. My arms are very skinny and my stomach is dented in. I just shrug my shoulders and slip off my boxers.

I open the shower curtain and turn on the hot water, adjusting it to my desired temperature.

I walk into the shower and let the warm water relax my tense muscles.

- - -

I walk into the school doors before sighing greatly. Many people just look at me before laughing with their friends. I just look at my feet and make my way to my locker.

I open it gently and pull my book bag up, placing it inside of my locker. I take out my math supplies and shut my locker.

Daniel comes running over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. I just keep looking at my feet and make my way to our class.

Someone shoves me back, saying "slut". Me being weak I fall immediately and drop my books.

I grunt slightly before holding my head that banged on the floor.

A bunch of people laugh at me and I just sigh, not making eye contact with Daniel. I pick up my scattered books and pick myself up.

I grab Daniels arm to stop him from yelling at the guy who pushed me.

I wipe the tears out of my eyes and just keep walking down the hallway.

"Joey..." he tries to speak. "I'm fine..." I whisper trying not to cry.

He stops me buy slightly pushing me against the wall. I look up at him as he just stands there. "Joey you have been acting like this ever since the funeral... it's been 2 months. What has gotten into you?" He asks in a hushed tone. "Daniel I'm okay..." I whisper again as a tear slips from my eye.

I bite on my bottom lip and start shaking my leg. I grab ahold of my hair before sliding down the blue wall. I just pull my knees up to my chest and let the tears fall from my eyes.

I don't make a noise as I pull my hair harshly.

Flash backs from the day I slept with those guys flash through my head. What they called me, slut, whore, cumslut, cockslut, the list goes on. When I sleep with Daniel he doesn't call me that... he just mutters I love you from time to time.

I don't treat anyone right... I put my mom in jail, I got Jett taken away from me, I treat Daniel like shit...

Daniel immediately bends down and picks me up by my waist and places me on his hip. I hold onto his neck and wrap my legs around his waist. He picks up my books and starts walking over to the doors.

He sets me down as I hear another person say "whore" under their breath. I stand against the wall and watch him run over to the red head boy. He picks him up by his shirt and punches him in the face before throwing him on the floor. He kicks him before walking back over to me.

The boy looks at me with fear and starts backing away on the floor before picking himself up and running down the hall way.

Daniel picks me up again and walks out of the doors. He starts walking to his car and unlocks it.

He places me in the passenger seat before getting in his seat. "Joey you need to eat..." he says, starting the car. "What I've been eating..." I whisper again, lying.

"Joey you're so light... I'm feeding you..." he says again as he starts driving out of the parking lot. "Daniel I don't need food..." I say, biting my lip.

He looks over at me and places his hand on my thigh. I flinch in fear before relaxing. "Joey did you just flinch?" He asks, stopping at a red light.

"I didn't mean to I'm so-" I say before he cuts me off, "Joey I'll never hurt you and you don't have to be sorry for something that's natural..." he says, removing his hand from my thigh.

He pulls into a small diner, parking near the front. He shuts off his car and looks over at me. "Joey I'm feeding you..." he says, yet again.

"I'm not hungry..." I say, looking directly at him. He sighs and gets out of the car before opening my door. He picks me up and holds me on his hip.

He walks into the doors and the few people in there look at us. "Two" Daniel says to the lady who will sit us. She nods her head and gets two menus.

She leads us to a booth in the back corner setting the menus down. Daniel places me in the booth before sitting down on the other side.

The waiter leaves and lets us decide what we want. "Joey pick anything you want okay?" He says, opening his menu. I push mine aside and place my head in my arms.

After about five minutes of us sitting in silence the waiter comes to us to take our orders. "Pancakes and french toast with orange juice for both of us..." he says. I freeze, how did he know french toast was my favorite? "Okay, I'll be right back with your orange juices and food" she says as she takes out menus.

Daniel picks my head up and just looks at me. "Joey please talk to me... I hate seeing you like this. I want to see the smiley Joey, the one who didn't let anything bring him down. I watched you slowly fall apart... it was my job to keep you together but I'm failing you joey... I'm so sorry..." he says, wiping a tear from my face.

"Everyone has a breaking point at sometime... I'll just cry into my pillow again tonight and hope that this darkness goes away..." I mumble, fiddling with my hands. "Joey I want to help you but I can't unless you tell me what's wrong" he says, placing his hand on top of mine.

"The thing is I don't even know what's wrong, that's what's making me so upset. There is this emptiness inside of me that I don't know how to fulfill it..." I say in response, looking up at Daniel. "Joey I don't know what to do..." he says, looking at me as well.

"When I'm around you I feel safe and sound. Like that little bit of emptiness is fading but as soon as I'm alone again it just grows. I can't take living by myself anymore..." I say, biting my lip. "I'll move in to watch you if you'd like... I'd be fine on the couch or whatever..." he says quietly.

I open my mouth to speak but the lady comes back with our food. "French toast?" She asks. I raise my hand and smile at Daniel. He smiles back and tilts his head.

She places the food in front of me along with my orange juice. She places Daniels food down as well and she leaves the bill as well, walking away.

Daniel stands up and sits down next to me and cuts some of my french toast. He picks it up with my fork and dips it in syrup.

"Open up..." He says facing me. I shake my head and close my mouth tightly. He sets down the fork and grabs my cheeks.

He places his lips on mine and kisses me gently. I breathe in through my nose greatly before kissing back. I hear him pick up the fork but I'm too lost in the kiss to really realize what he is doing.

He pulls away quickly before inserting the fork into my mouth. The fluffy french toast hits my tongue and I just open my eyes wide. "Chew" Daniel says in a slightly demanding voice. I start chewing the food and he stands up, sitting across from me.

I swallow thickly and scoot over, sitting in front of my food. "Joey please eat..." he says, cutting his pancakes. "Only if you kiss me after..." I say, looking up at him.

He raises one eye brow and smirks at me. "I'll do more than kiss you Joesph but yes I will kiss you after if you eat your food..." he replies, sticking a piece of pancake into his mouth.

"Every bite is one kiss..." I add on, still looking at him. "Okay, I'll kiss you as many bites as you take..." he replies, looking straight at me.

I giggle before sticking a piece of french toast into my mouth. "One..." I after I swallow the piece of food.

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